Fail forward

Fail in these 3 ways (Not to reach Mastery).

In Clarity, Mastery, Uncategorized by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

To fail is something we all want to avoid, even if we are supposed to and need them for growth.

I was recently listening an interview by Michael Neill, who is one of those people that when he speaks, I listen.

He shared these three simple, yet hyper effective steps to make sure you never fail again.

Most of us has a tendency to procrastinate, let the self-doubt to creep in and think of the worst-case scenario. Understanding these 3 failures and insights we can pretty much guarantee that the show stays on the road. Everyday.

Fail One: Not starting

If you never start, you are guaranteed to make sure you will never finish either. Failing to not start will keep us protected and in our safe nest day after day.

Putting yourself out there requires exposing your gifts, cracks and imperfections.

Remember that any launch; being a rocket, new product or business requires the most amount of energy and fuel in the beginning.

Take those first steps now to gain momentum and the lights will start to brighten along the way.

Fail Two: Stop before you get there

You never really know how far you are from the destination, until you reach it. Even if your metrics show you that your goal is just around the next corner, there’s always something that might come up and change your direction.

And the hardest part of the journey is most often before the summit, so keep pushing! The biggest resistance arises just before you are about to breakthrough. Or as my current favorite quote says:

“The closer to the gate, the fiercer the Dragons”

Fail Three: Running out of time

Many people will often complain about not having enough of this resource called, Time. When it comes to Mastery, I personally play (and I recommended that you too) the Infinite game.

Mastery is the Joy of the road ahead of us and the ability to put in the work, day in and day out regardless of the circumstances or how we might feel.

And when the time is up, it runs out on everything we do, simultaneously.

Stay with it, enjoy the journey and the road ahead of you – Play the timeless long game!

Hope that helps you to start and keep going for the start of the 2020!

All green lights,


ps. I previously wrote about Perseverance here and overcoming obstacles here!

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