
PURPOSE, 7 Keys to cultivate more Meaningful Life

In Purpose by Tuomo Vauhkonen2 Comments

You hear a lot of talk about Purpose today. There are a lot of ideas about how to have a more meaningful Life. And I get it, today we are living in a world where survival is not an issue anymore. More and more people are comfortable in their own lives where the basics are taken care of!

So, what ends up happening is that we need more juice, more meaning and more significance! Plain and simple, we need and want to live more Purposeful Lives, am I right or right?

Last weekend we took a little Mini-retreat trip down South of our Island. We wanted to be surrounded by the beauty and grace of the natural wonderland. I got a chance to have proper brake and to go deeper into my own thoughts, emotions and ideas about what I truly want to live by for the rest of the year!

It was a really good way to rejuvenate my inner core, recheck on my goals & intentions and cultivate more of that Purpose for my actions!

Our 2-Day Mini Recharge period included: 12h+ Sleep, Misty Morning 8Km Run, Uncrowded Surf Session, Quantum Hypnosis, Waterfall Showers, Organic Farm Visit and deep conversations about that Purpose and Direction we want to direct our actions towards!

I highly recommend to periodically take time to recheck up yourself, your relationships and work to make sure you are on the right tracks!

The following ideas are in the core of the Spirit Pillar that is the highest and deepest element in my S.T.E.P. coaching methodology. Stay tuned for a full lay down of the Spirit, Thought, Emotion and Physic elements!

7 Keys towards more Purpose

Make it larger than yourself!

This one has worked amazingly well for me! Whenever I struggle to find a reason to do what I do or have low energy I connect to something that is larger than my own life!

Once I’m able to come up and/or remind myself of the reasons that are beyond myself, it becomes easier to get things moving forward! When your “Why” is bigger than yourself we are starting to be on the right tracks!

I shot a video about “1000X your Why over your goals” which talks more about this!

Growth & Contribution

These two are the Needs of the Spirit. In the end of the day, they are the ultimate Needs of human beings!

We can tap into Growth and Contribution by making them our main activities then the Purposeful actions are starting to present them self in no time!

I wrote about the 6 Human Needs previously here which goes over them in more detail.

When it comes to your Purpose, I truly believe that finding elements that make you Grow and Contribute to something larger than yourself is the fastest highway towards Purpose!

From Passion to Purpose

This one is more of an exercise that you can do on your own!

  1. List the ideas and elements you are curious about, as many as come to your conscious mind!
  2. Make interlinking circles with each stream of curiosity and see where they all connect? This sweet spot can be called your Passion!
  3. Find problems to solve & ideas that can be served by your passion and you are possibly very close to uncovering your PURPOSE!

There is a great quick video of this by Jason Silva where he goes over this method in a quick 2 min blast!

Outgoing Energy

When we think of Purpose, what comes to mind as a first thing? At least for me, it’s nothing that I personally want to acquire, want to get or need for myself!

Purpose is always something we do to others, contribute or give of ourselves! When we are living in Purpose, therefore realizing that our life is not about us anymore!

I had this realization at the mountain top in Patagonia back in 2014. I came to understand that my life had a higher purpose and more meaning that I had assigned to it until that moment!

You can watch my TEDx talk where I talk about this insight and Why Lifestyle matters more than happiness. It is my journey towards more purposeful life!

From an energetic perspective, it’s the Outgoing Energy that is connected to our Purpose and higher calling!

Values & Beliefs

These two elements are the deep underlying core principles of our Being, Doing, Thinking and Feeling! Our Values and Beliefs of the world around us and of ourselves very much dictate our actions in the world!

It is absolutely apparent that our Purpose is aligned with our core beliefs and Values! We can find these by going deep inside of our own psyche and consciousness. Uncovering the Emotional and Mental barriers that might be blocking your access to this deep underlying field that we all have!

I like to help people in the process of discovering their inner core of being, the space where almost the unlimited human potential resides!

If this is an interest for you and you would like to have a discovery process, then let’s jump on a call!

Schedule a session with me here!

Pure Joy of Service

One of my favorite insights is to act on without Attachment to the Outcome! This is obviously a simple concept yet simple does not mean it is easy to do!

When we are doing things with little to no expectations, we find lightness and liberation in our actions!

It becomes to be a pure Joy of Service. And to me, this is the ultimate way of behaving and acting in our daily lives!

Having a non-attachment to the Outcome mindset, coming from the same Emotional Space and having the ability to act despite the consequences is a true gateway towards Authenticity and living Life to its fullest!

When we are able to put ourselves in this internal space, there is a very high probability that our actions are aligned with our Purpose in life!

How would you serve the higher good of Humanity?

If Money had no intrinsic value in our lives, what would you spend your days on doing?

Imagine you traveled the world; you did the things you wanted and bought that dream house & car. Only now realizing that none of it was connected to your purpose in life!

I’m genuinely writing this because I was in that place. I was able to do absolutely anything I ever wanted with my life and yet it felt empty!

I was missing my Purpose!

Today, I’m happy to be able to write this because I’m serving something a lot larger than myself! I’m helping people to discover their true potential, empower their own journeys and living life on PURPOSE!

I’m going leave you today with this quote that sums up the whole article in one sentence:

The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you remember WHY!

Mark Twain

I would love to know how this piece resonates with you?

And if you feel called to dive deeper into uncovering your Purpose then let’s jump on a call!

Schedule a best time and space for you over here!


  1. Thank you! It is touching what you write and it comes directly from the heart, or that’s who I feel. So sincere. Like a water chrystal and clear.

    I have been thinking a lot as well about the purpose, the meaningfulness of life. I have been contemplayting on meaning of life, deepest values and the ethics towards life, this Planet, nature, humankind.

    I remember when I read Victor Franklin’s book. He is a therapist and a filosopher and he survived from the consentracion camp during the insane hollocaust of the Hitlerian regime. Victor Franklin wrote an impressive book. He shared the conclusion that the people who survived from the camp, where people that had deep purposes in their lives, purposes deeper and larger than themselves. The purpose, the meaning help them to transcend, continue, believe, have hope in a situacion which where almost hopeless, one the hardest parts of the human history.

    I believe in Purpose. And I wan to share the meaning of purpose in life as well.
    In my life I feel the sense of the Purpose, my purpose helped me to transcend to most difficult parts of my Journey as well. I am still learning, to hear it more clear, to be able to share, to help, to transform…

    Thank you! I appriciate with my whole heart that you write about Purpose!

    1. Author

      Thank you Susanna for your deep reflection on this Topic.

      Finding/Discovering or Uncovering our Purpose in this Journey we call Life is one of the most liberating feelings one can experience.

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