trust the process

Trust the process that is 99% of the Time Off track

In Clarity, Resiliency by Tuomo Vauhkonen2 Comments

Trust your step and the path you are on!

Back in the day, I used to work on private yachts as an officer sailing around the Oceans of the world. During my night watches on the bridge (the place where the yacht is been steered), I realized something very interesting, the boat was off its track 99% of the time!

The off heading was often quite insignificant for the big picture, yet we never actually navigated on our precise set heading. The boat was almost never exactly on its track towards our destination.

Today, all the ships are equipped with automatic navigation tools that allow them to course correct continuously the boats heading. Us as Watch keepers, our job was to make sure the system automatically did its job well.

“The most important part of the journey is to set the right heading”.

When the weather got rough though and the automatic systems couldn’t handle the movements of the boat anymore, the humans needed to take the control back and hand steer the boat again, like back in the olden days.

Recently, I also learned that all the airplanes are never precisely on their correct tracks either.

Yet, 99.99% of the planes, ships and yachts reach their destinations every single day!

I like to see our own Nervous System and the Unconscious Mind as the Autopilot in the ships!

If we just let go of the need to control our every single movement and worry less about having to have 100% Crystal clear Clarity on everything, our body and its automatic systems will get us where we want to go!

Trust Vs. the need of control

We as humans and especially the ones of us who are “running our own show” have this tendency to keep the control. It’s hard to let go of the wheel for a while and just trust the Autopilot.

That is often a lack of trust to either on ourselves or the process.

This especially creeps up on us if we are looking for 100% Clarity in today’s world where most of the elements are volatile and uncertain.

The change that happens in today’s world is so rapid and frequent that we must rely more on our Nervous System and the deeper Unconscious Mind. Often the body will react and adapt to the world around us a lot faster than our Conscious Mind can.

Yes, we definitely need to be on the “bridge” of our life, being vigilant and observant. We must take action and keep trusting the process, making sure the boat sails forward on its journey!

Let’s let go of the need to know exactly on how we will reach our destination. That is far better to be left for the Autopilot, somehow our body and its deeper intelligence already knows the way!

It becomes all about getting back on track

If and when we understand that we never will have 100% Clarity and we most of the time are off track, then the game becomes about how fast and effectively we can get back on when we fall off too far.

Sometimes weather gets rough and we must make sure our skills in hand steering are still efficient.

Having a solid trust on yourself and your abilities to get back on track is the very first and the most important part of the puzzle. After that it’s all about having the right tools and actions to help you get back on that right heading.

For me personally, having the right support from home, friends and colleagues is the one that helps me the most to find my bearings after I have gotten lost in the storms of life.

100% Clear path never existed and never will!

Allow a little bit of uncertainty, which is a human need by the way, to enter your life. Lacking Clarity is part of the fun, because you get to figure out and design more of your own way and tune into the process.

Every single day, if we allow it, our body and unconscious patterns will restructure our path towards your preset heading!

Make sure though to get a firm grip of the wheel when the going gets rough. Steer your ship manually when needed, yet most of the time it’s ok to let the Autopilot do its job!

Trust the Process! And when you fall of tracks, because we all do, make sure to get back on quickly and smoothly.

PS. previously i have written about control here. And this Video by Brene Brown dives deeper into The anatomy of Trust.

 All green lights,



  1. Wow I really thought I was falling behind schedule of meeting my goals but the truth is that I can’t control everything 100%. One day at the time and the ride must be enjoyed smoothly. Thank you so much Tuomo!

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