The Morning habits

In Mastery by Tuomo Vauhkonen1 Comment

The morning habits

How to champion your morning routines – Every morning

The early morning habits are absolutely crucial in my mind. We need them to set the stage for the day and to produce the results we have set for ourselves. I believe that setting goals is one of the primary tools for success, then starting and ending your day right are the key pieces of the puzzle.

This post makes sure you have all the mental, emotional and physical energy to have that best day possible, every day!

To start your day with empowering morning habits and routines has a massive influence for the general flow of your energy. We all heard the saying that “I got out of bed on the wrong side” or as we say in Finland “got out of bed with the wrong foot forward”. How can we then change that into a “got up in the morning on the right side of the bed”?

Too often we concentrate on the negatives and the positives often gets lost in the wind. It’s obviously important to go through the emotions, find solutions for the road blocks and then as fast as possible to get back on the right track.

the morning habits and evening rituals are in my mind some of the more powerful tools we have, Hyper Power Hours! so let’s go through my ideas for them.

I personally use these four steps daily to start and end my days. They work for me, which is not to say they absolutely gone do the trick for you.

As always, take what you need, leave what’s not needed and take a lot of action.

#1 Evening shut down time


Many people believe sleep is over rated and wish to skip the whole thing, if possible. I think sleep is highly under rated as the recent studies and growing body of research is showing us.

First thing is to come up with a shut down time for all the electronics in the house. At least 30 min, better yet, one hour before bed time!

Turn off the TV, Wi-Fi, Phone and all the other electronics at a certain time, say 21:30 and from there you start winding down with a cup of herbal tea, a little evening stretch, read a book or sit down for an evening meditation.

Dim the lights down and set the calm evening environment or you can go as far Cristiano Ronaldo (Portuguese football star) who is said to have a candle light in the bathroom to avoid those bright lights.

Very good idea is to complete your “To Do list” for the next day in the evening before. This way you can rest at ease and not over thinking or worrying about it all night long.

Other small tips might include prepping your breakfast, coffee/ tea, snacks and clothes to be ready for the morning to avoid making too many decisions 1st thing after waking up. This actually preserves your willpower and saves energy for the day to come! 

You can do a lot to make sure your sleep space is prepared optimally for high quality sleep. Make it as dark as possible, have the room temperature between 19-21 C (it can feel cold I know, especially if you live in the tropics like we do) and use hard matrices and clean comfortable sleep wear.

Shawn Stephenson has become a sleep expert this field and is someone who is definitely worth giving a follow, if you want to dive deeper in this subject, check out his work in here.

#2 Wake-up habits


To wake up at the same time each morning as a morning habit is usually one of the hardest parts to master. Especially when I recommend to get out of the bed as soon as the alarm clock goes off!

Taking this habit to really to the next level you will apply this wake up time during the weekends too! It might sound hard at first and it will pay you the benefits in the long run!

One other hyper useful trick, especially if you are having hard time to get out of the bed is to use Mel Robbins’s 5 second rule. This a bit weird sounding morning habit will count backwards from 5,4,3,2,1. It beats your inner critic and thought process to not to get up. This habit can be boosted by putting your hand on your forehead to push energy towards your frontal lobe. This is where the decision making happens and will help you to get up and going!

Next, you want to make sure you will hydrate yourself after that dehydrated night! Drinking at least 0,5L of clean water will wake up the body and all its systems for action.

#3 Movement

“When the body moves your brain grooves”.

This is what I like to think when I’m prepping for my day.

Just 5 minutes of stretching will open up circulatory pathways for the energy to flow all over the body. Better yet, get higher impulsive movement where you actually sweat. This will definitely make sure you are kicking your body into the action mode! Start small from 5-10 min and work your way up to 20 min or more when possible!

#4 Introspection/ Recap

Last one on the list is meditation, self-reflection or introspection. This can be as short as 5 min, better yet to work towards that 20 min mark.

There are many methods where you can use different visualization procedures to go through the day in your mind.

Use pictures and visual images to walk through your perfect day and how it is going to unfold! This is the tactic that many professional athletes use before competing because your body understands visual images better than your words!

I recommend you work through your to do list in the morning and choose the 3 most important tasks to be completed before midday!

Try these steps out and see, feel and experience a new level of energetic productivity to flow into your day!

I personally use these same steps on my own practice and have realized them to be highly effective for me.

Get active and keep integrating those healthy evening and morning habits into your day – starting from NOW!

“Knowledge is only potential power,

Action is the real power”


  1. Pingback: Morning Blues - 7 Keys to battle proof your day! - Tuomo Coaching

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