Takeaways of 2017

2017 Key takeaways

In Clarity by Tuomo Vauhkonen1 Comment

The last look into the past

Insights and takeaways from 2017

As a start of the of it all, I wanted to look a bit deeper into the last year to bring you my personal breakthroughs and the biggest takeaways of the year!

We often try to “clean the slate” completely and start fresh when the calendar changes thus forgetting all the positive takeaways that happened during the year.

Fresh start is great, I’m a big fan of cleansing and detox in all its levels. At the same time, I want to build up upon the ideas from the past keeping the best with me for the next round.

As Steve Jobs famously quoted “you can only connect the dots looking backwards”, meaning we can only make sense of what happened in the past. Future does not really make sense to us now nor it is yet to be here. Looking too deeply into the future is also one of the biggest sources of anxiety in our life. Whereas the past cannot be changed and often keeps us stuck in a victim mentality.

So here are my seven positive cornerstone leanings from the last year that I’ll keep with me and build up upon this year:

#1 Believe that you can!

Our beliefs are on the very bottom of the hierarchical structure (or on the top, depending which way you want to see it) like the fresh fertile soil where the seeds are growing. Beliefs create our thoughts, which effect majorly our emotions which is turn together become our feelings.

Feelings then dictate our actions and habits which in the end create our reality that we are living in! Changing or creating new beliefs is the fastest and most sustainable way to affect your life.

#2 Intuition/ Unconscious mind is there to keep us safe.

This is something that I re-realized in the end of last year. If we believe the latest neuro-science research, our body and mind work primarily in unconscious patterns. The main job for our Unconscious mind is to run and keep our body safe! So, when we are tapping to that inner wisdom or inner intuition we often get the answers that are there to keep us safe and secure.

This was good back in the days when used to hunt and gather. In today’s progressive world where often getting out of the comfort zone is required on daily basis, a great idea is to use logical thinking paired with this intuition.

#3 Interconnected Inner and Outer worlds

One of my favorite lines from Jason Silva (futurist & National Geographic TV host) is where he talks about habits and how developing these positive self-reinforcing feedback loops is essential. I like to see our Inner and Outer worlds very much the same way where we put attention to both in equal proportions.

Work on your “interior empires” as Robin Sharma calls them. To consciously put yourself in the spaces and places where you are with inspiring people in healthy environments surrounded by active life style. Tackling both, inner and outer worlds with focused actions will breed success, guaranteed.

#4 GET TO DO and NOT TO DO lists

We all have too many things on our TO DO lists, all day – every day. How about this year having a NOT TO DO and GET TO DO lists? GET TO DO list is very much like your TO DO list. Instead of having to do all the things we do during the day, we GET to do them.

For example, we get to complete work related tasks and pay our bills to be able to support our family and life style. This hyper simple switch often puts us in a state of gratitude as you are completing your list. And more importantly, Gratitude is the new Attitude.

NOT TO DO list on the other hand keeps us away from the things we might otherwise be pulled towards. Believe me, I know all about positive language and psychology that is contradictory to “NOT TO DO list”, but Focus is the new currency in the workplace.

People that can multitask less and focus more on one thing at the time will produce more results! Make your NOT TO DO list from things like, no Scrolling down on Facebook feed, no gossiping and no internet for the first hour after you wake up!

Strip away the aspects of your life that do not serve you – Doing less you end up doing more.
Here’s my last year’s video on this idea.

#5 It only takes 1 (ONE) insight

I attended a 4 day summit last year, completed various live and online workshops, watched & listened probably a hundred or so podcasts & webinars! We get bombarded with knowledge, wisdom, advice and million other hints, tips and pics and vids about this and that!

Like this article where the KEY is to take only the ones that will suit your life! This goes hand in hand with Focus and NOT TO DO List ideas. By doing less you concentrate more on the highly important key insights. Often it is just ONE that makes the session or hits the home run!

Out of the 4 day summit (8-10 h of content per day) the #1 key takeaway was the slide which had only three words in full size: DO.THE.WORK.

#6 Power of community

I have always been an introvert and very much doing everything on my own, my own way. Last year I started to realize how powerful the force of community. Especially when it comes to creating something new and empowering!
1+1=4 and 2+2=8, the growth of ideas and results are often exponential. This happens when shared with the right people, at the right time, in the right place.

Share, multiply and think bigger this year with other like-minded individuals who share the same vision and fundamental values as you do.

You will grow like never thought or felt possible!

#7 Flow

Last year I red few books about the state of flow. What I learned was ground braking to say the least. It shaped my beliefs on what we are capable of when given the right ingredients to our body & mind.

The Book “stealing fire” by Jamie Wheel and Steven Kotler is an absolute MUST read for anyone who wants to reach peak performance, the state we often thought was only available to us by chance or accidental encounters. There are multiple key insights in this book, so the best idea is to read it from cover to cover. Be ready to see human performance in a whole new level!

+ Added takeaway Bonus =)

How other people look from the outside makes us feel feelings. This makes a very difficult comparison where your feelings are compared to someone else’s physical looks. The situation without knowing how that person might actually feel!

Have the best start of the year!


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