Key ingredients for my lifestyle first approach

Lifestyle first approach

In Lifestyle by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Build your life around style and work will follow


Consciously centering your life around your desired lifestyle can be a hard ask. Yet many of us have managed to do that with amazing results. What are the key steps, mindsets and elements that are needed to succeed in this tricky endeavor? In this day and age, is it even possible to build your life around your lifestyle?

I truly believe so and will make a quick dive into that idea today.

What truly matters?

We must start from here. It’s a classic question and there’s a reason why it is a classic. Yet so many of us have not taken the time to think and feel what truly matters in their life.

Too often only when things go South we come to realize the importance of family, friends and free time. We are striving for careers and success like there’s no tomorrow forgetting to ask ourselves what we truly want in and from life?

As T.Harv Eker teaches (video link):

“The reason people don’t get what they want, is that they don’t know what they want”.

I feel that the fair starting to point on your journey to craft your own ideal life, is to write down long handed (piece of paper and pen), what truly matters in your life!

“S%#T is in my pants – No reason to complain”

This is an old Finnish metaphor. It describes nicely the fact that whatever has happened has happened and the direction is forward from here. Many of us are obviously in the current situation where lifestyle first approach is yet to be 100% possible.

What ever your situation might be, it is a perfect starting point. Every great journey starts with the first step, how ever small or slow. The action and the direction is what truly matters.

#1 write down three to five most important values in your life?

#2 Write down what you deep inside of you truly want?

#3 Make a list of things, activities and lifestyle choices that support BOTH steps above!

#4 Put action steps into your calendar right now to make room for those activities!


We must start from somewhere. Even if it’s only 30 min per week, it is a start. One of our weekly habits is that we come back home, at least once a week, before dark to go for a walk on the beach at sunset.

Other hyper useful tool is for Sunday evenings. When you are planning your week, write down lifestyle related activities onto your calendar FIRST! Then build your work week around those activities.

That might sound scary or downright impossible idea at first, yet that is what’s needed. This is also where the necessary and powerful mindset shift comes into play.

Believe that you can, start small or Go all IN!

I wrote about the importance of belief change in my 2017 take ways article. If you think or feel that Lifestyle first approach is yet to be possible for you, then I highly suggest that you start by believing that you can! Beliefs are at the root of our subjective reality how each one of us is experiencing the current world.

I talk a lot about the importance of starting small, especially when it comes to building habits. This is an essential survival tip for most of us, though there are some of us that always dive in the deep end first!

Going All In surely has its benefits. You are likely to get results and more than likely some setbacks too! If you are ready to get few hits and learn from them, going all in can be a powerful way to build your lifestyle first approach.

Either way, which ever mode fits your circumstances and character, the idea that we build our life around our lifestyle is empowering to say the least!

This allows you to take more control of your life by giving you more focused North star for your journey.

If your work & activities that take up most of the daylight hours are what truly fuels your passion then you might have figured this one out already! If this is yet to be the case though, then this article might just give you a good head start for crafting your ideal lifestyle! 😊


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