3 Lost connections

3 Lost connections

In Lifestyle by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

3 Lost connections

How to establish re-connections


In the hyper fast and competitive world that most of us are currently living, we have lost the importance of true connections. The signal to noise ratio is skewed. There is too much noise – the signal is weak.

The 3 big lost connections are to self, to others and to the environment.

This has happened in all four levels of Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical.

We must start by being aware, move on to understanding and acceptance of the situation before re-establishing the lost connections. The solutions are right in front of us, they have always been, we have just temporally blurred our vision. Now it is the time to wipe that visor clean.

Connection to self


This is the first and the most important connection we have lost. We go on about our days chasing fame and fortune like there’s no tomorrow. The life with ourselves has become superficial and materialistic.

The outer world has shaped our inner world.

Let’s start correcting our connections, today!


Begin with your senses by truly connecting to your Physical body. Get moving and grooving.

Add movements like yoga, stretching and cardio exercises. Especially when done first thing in the morning, it will get you connected to your body and ready for the day. Your brain will release a “magic” ingredient, BDNF (brain-derived Neurotrophic factor) which stimulates neurogenesis (growth of new brain cells).

Truly feel different parts of your body; joints, ligaments, bones and muscles and how they all are part of the whole.


Energy in Motion = Emotion. As biological beings we have feelings that cannot be suppressed. It is crucial that we feel the feelings and truly appreciate them as they are!

As I was growing up it was almost forbidden to show your true feelings and emotions. It’s crucially healthy to be able to appreciate the highs as well as ride the low roads, gracefully! Feel your feelings and understand that they are part of who you are.

Let them come as they are, truly appreciate them in their full glory and finally let them go.

Practice non- attachment. This is the key to managing your emotional world!

Connection to self


In the Mental world we have very much lost the true curiosity. We watch too much TV, gossip and are interested in superficiality of life.

Dive deeper and authentically be interested of your mind. Why do you think as you think, where does that model of reality originates from? Read more, watch less TV. Education over entertainment. Focus instead of multitasking.

Become clear of your dreams, visions and goals. Write down and journal your thoughts as they come out to free up space for clarity.


This one is the deepest and the most important of all. The Spiritual self, soul, god or whichever name resonates with you the best.

We purposely started from the physical element and worked our way upwards on the scale!

Think of yoga as a practice, the whole purpose of asanas and postures is to prepare the physical body, emotional world and mental mind to be able to sit in meditation and connect to your inner world.

This deeper self is where the true empowerment lies. It’s where we finally can discover our deeper meaning and why we do what we do in life. Meditation is obviously a beautiful tool for this as there are other methods that might work better for you.

The idea is to look within to be able resurface the values that in return gives us purpose.

These four connections to self; Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual will reinforce our sense of who we are and why we operate in the world as we do.

Connection to other people

Group Connection

Lack of this connection is painfully obvious in our current model of living! We have shut ourselves in cubicles where another person has become a distant stranger.

Depression, anxiety and mental dis-eases are in all-time highs all around the world.

On average 800.000 people will commit a suicide this year!! That is a staggering number to get your head around.

A lot of this could be avoided by having a true connection and interaction with another human being. To be able to connect in all levels of Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual can offer a viable solution.

Many of us feel alone in this world despite having people around us. I feel this is due to the lack of real, deep and meaningful connection.

How about going out today to truly connect with someone?! Go out and instead of asking about common daily activities, ask what are they passionate about in life? Recommend a book to read or ask what the other person is reading currently? Be curious, dive deeper and open yourself up.

There are three elements to any interaction. You, the other person and the connection in between!

Connection to environment

Connection to Nature

The very obvious fact is to see what is happening to our mother earth. We have lost this connection to nature and our surrounding environment.

If you are still watching the news, you do not have to own a high IQ to realize that the current media is feeding us with negativity. This type of information taps into our oldest part of the brain, also called the reptilian brain. Seeing negative news activates our focus sensors as we pay full attention on what we see and is being said! The news agencies are using our oldest biological system to trap our attention.

How many news channels that deliver positivism and uplifting messages are still in business?

To be able to understand what we are dealing with sets the stage for a deeper realization and awareness. After understanding the situation we can start to recondition our lost connection with the environment.

How often do you stop during the day and appreciate the warmth of the sun rays? Do you ever see how the rain drops fall from the sky? Or how often you take 3 deep breaths before starting your meal?

The little things are the ones that matter. Start by appreciating the small daily elements that you can experience around you! This will quickly re-connect you back to the present moment and as a bonus, calm down your nervous system.

Spend time in nature with your bare feet! Swim in the Ocean when you can and take trips to national parks instead of cities. Learn about trees, flowers and flora that grows in your environment.

Find connections and get connected!

Re-establishing the four-level connection to yourself is a must. Get out and about to connect with other people and be authentically interested of them. Spend more time in natural environments in pure observation and learning!

Reconnect to self, to others and to the environment.


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