Low hanging Coconuts

Low hanging coconuts

In Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Low hanging coconuts

How to use easy wins to boosts your overall performance

We recently moved back into the same house where we lived one year ago. I was excited to find a coconut tree that was not producing last time we lived here, this time giving these beautiful low hanging coconuts! =)

Coconuts being one of my ultimate survival and comfort foods of all time, I was obviously over the moon happy to finally have our own coconut tree giving us sustainable hydration!

Low hanging gifts are some of the best things in life, so I put together few thoughts about it.

Watch a video I shot about the same subject here.

Bad rap

Going for something that is easy and comfortable is often less appreciated then the good old “grind”. Especially in the hardcore business world where struggle and pain are the normal sings of so called hard work.

Having easy gifts to come to you is often looked as less rewarding. Our society gives little credit for the results that are obvious and that might come almost too easily for us.

This too, is slowly changing though, hence books like 4-hour work week by Tim Ferris has sold over 1.3 Million Copies by now.

Those baby steps

For me this metaphor of “low hanging fruits” is great. We can definitely use it in our advantage, for example when redesigning our daily schedule.

Most have by now heard how powerful and important the baby steps are. When we take the easy wins and reach for those low hanging fruits we are gaining that important momentum.

Momentum is critical especially in the beginning of the day. When our days are blocked up to our necks, it’s critical that we have some early wins.

When you kick start your day with accomplishment, you will also gain important self-confidence to tackle the more demanding tasks of the day!

Add on

What can you add to your morning routines and rituals? Before that first meeting or phone call, how about adding an easily pick-able low hanging fruit?

Get your first win of the day early! Gain that momentum to win the rest of the day with style.

This method also works well when trying to get back on the saddle, let’s say after a lunch brake or when something has gone South. When things get out of control, the best way to get back on track is to slow down and get something on the score board.


Once we are looking at the overall performance and results, these low hanging actions are the ones that make the difference! They are like the building blocks of those bigger actions and decisions we make. Making the fundamental difference in our self confidence and ability to bare higher amounts of pressure in the long run!

Going for the low hanging fruits might not always look as sexy and extravagant as the big moves that we all dream about, but the truth is, none of those big actions would see the daylight without a solid foundation.

And that solid foundation is made of small, bite size chunks of daily actions!

Get moving and grooving and pick up a low hanging coconut today!!


Do you feel that you want help to re-design your daily lifestyle choices around health, productivity and performance? Or if you just want to stop by for a hyper hydration with coconut water do contact me for more!

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