Abundance at Point Venus

Connection to Abundance

In Clarity by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Is there enough for everyone?

By Tuomo Vauhkonen

Is Scarcity real or are we living in a reality of abundance? What if scarcity was just a mindset that has been fed to us through the current media, politics and competitive culture?

Recently I got a reminder of how abundant the nature truly is and wanted to share my thoughts about it.

Numbers that won’t match

As I have come to realize repeatedly, there is plenty to go around. Even a little less careful look at your surroundings will reveal the abundance and beauty that we are surrounded by.

The mindset and argument that there is not enough is more about the distribution and access to the resources than the actual materialistic scarcity.

One of the most disturbing and best representations of this is the number of people that go hungry everyday in our world! By the current statistics, our daily food production could feed 11 Billion people every day! Let that sink in for a moment…

Many of the major cities around the world have more empty homes than there are homeless in that city.

Our mango tree here in Tahiti is providing more fruits than we could possibly consume.


For me, the more interesting question becomes about how we can gain access and connection to those resources? The link that is needed to thrive and do the things that we are set out to do in this world!?

It’s all about the connection

Think for a moment of this trinity:

  1. You
  2. Journey & Connection to the Resources and the Goals that you want to achieve.
  3. Results and Resources.

Almost always we are fully invested in the third aspect, the results and resources. Yet, we have very little direct effect on them!

What we can do though, is to have an affect on the first two, Ourselves and the connection in between.

It is highly effective to better ourselves, have constant growth and be a better overall human being.

The biggest bang for the buck, the true difference maker is when we stop worrying about ourselves or the end results and fully invest our energy and efforts to better the connection in between!

How can you gain the access to the resources that are needed? The classic line “it’s the journey that matters” becomes ever so important and meaningful now!

Relationships being a perfect example of this. So often when something goes South in our relationships we are quick to blame the other person or ourselves, yet more than likely the solution can be found of the connection in between!

Another good one is internet. Your computer or smart phone that you are using to view a website to buy goods (Resources). The internet is that connecting link that matters the most in the end!

True Abundance

The shift happens when we start to ask the question:

How can we better the access to those wanted Resources and Results?

When we let go of the need to be able to effect on the outcome and concentrate on our daily actions that get us towards our desired goals.

“True Abundance is all around us, our job is to find the connection!”

Go out and create a better link to what you are after!

Go out and reach out to those people that you been meaning to connect with!

Now it’s your time to create abundance for yourself.

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