
Playbook for success

In Clarity, Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo Vauhkonen2 Comments

What’s your playbook?

system for living life at large

Systems. That’s a tough word for many to swallow. How about a “playbook”? Something more interesting and playful, right! It reminds us of a time when we were children and used to run around the sandpits with out a worry in the wind.

In this day of age of ever-increasing information, the question often comes down to “how to” do something?

There are seven step solutions for this and 4 pillars for that! Me definitely included, I have written with the help of these numerical lists a lot. Now why is that?

They help your mind to focus and give structure for the writer as well as the reader – you in this case! When we don’t have time, energy or mental strength to focus for long periods, these lists will help us to make sense to it all. We can skip the beat and get the surface level idea, hopefully later returning and diving deeper in the subject!

In short, what we as the blog post writers or the video publishers are trying to give you, is essentially the HOW TO! Easier way to understand his/her message.

This structure or system is what I call your Essential Playbook for success!

Once the mind and our thoughts have something to grasp on, it moves out of your way. You create space to let the more creative side of you to come to play! Your playbook gives you that structure. That frame on the painting where you can then go ahead and paint the picture with all the colors you ever want!

Systems and playbooks actually create freedom instead of restrictions as many might think and feel.

Lessons from Basketball

I used to play Basketball back in Finland. In the beginning of the training season we always had this book we had to study. It had all the plays for the upcoming season. It was our playbook we had to carry with us until we learned all those plays and were able to execute them with precision!

There are a ton of resources available to find your ideal playbook! Today, everybody is trying to push their ideas, tips and tricks of the best ways to increase productivity, boost your performance levels, sex drive and whatever else comes to mind!

Many forgetting that every human being is its individual unit with its own owner’s manual!

What’s my playbook and works for me more than likely won’t work for you! We all need to come up with our own set of plays and procedures that suits best for us!

I truly believe that the confusion we see in the world today on an individual level is in big parts that we try to follow someone else’s playbook for their life!

Find your own set of systems for living, as the founder of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani calls them, in his latest book “the code of the extraordinary mind”.

My Playbook

The playbook that I currently use is the 4% rule. I start by identifying the most important elements that I want/need to complete on each day and then I make sure I will complete those actions before 11am!

I also have a certain procedure when I’m writing these blogposts, shooting videos and a way to play during a coaching conversation. We all have these internal playbooks already within us even if we are not consciously knowing about them!

The step to that next level starts when we actually become conscious about the system and start to use it in our advantage!

The 4% rule is currently my “how to” for work. Next month or year I might change it or upgrade it to something else that suits better my needs! The important thing is not to get stuck in your old ways.

If we used the same playbook from the previous season all the other teams would have known how we play our games. Our playbook was always evolving, so should yours!

What is your playbook for success? Find your ideal plays for each day and you WILL create space for freedom.


Bottom Line:

The structure helps you to find more time to play and get more out of life! In the end of the day, when it comes down to it, we are all looking for more Fun, Freedom and impact to our lives!


  1. I’m amazed how stupid it works !

    I took a piece of paper and started to write down my playbook for differents aspect of my business and everything went down so freely. As soon as my first playbook was over, a natural connection to the next was there.

    I’m now so pumped to get to work !

    Thank you x)

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