Clarity in Lahti

2019 Say Hello to Clarity

In Clarity, Lifestyle by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Are you still figuring it all out for this year, If yes this will give you a boost of clarity to a right direction! Becoming clear exactly what you need to do and the direction to take is possible the fastest way to get real results in any area of life.💠

Use the following categories to update your intentions. Write longhand (pen & paper) to have a better comprehension! 😉

PURPOSE: What are you here for? How do you want people to remember you when it’s your time to go? 

Finding this clear North Star can alone turn your game around!💫

VISION: Next 3-5 years, where do you see yourself professionally/ personally? Who are the people and the environment you want to be surrounded by? This is the time frame where those dreams come to reality, lock them down on a piece of paper latest today! My Video about building a Vision here!📝

MISSION: What’s your one guiding phrase for the year? Or Find 3-5 powerful words that you want to live by this year!

2019 I’m on a mission to ____________________?🚀

GOALS: Next 90 days, what are your Specific, Detailed and Tangible Goals? ONLY as far as 90 days to keep you motivated and actively engaged! Up to max 5 items on this list, preferably 3, It’s all about Performance here! As a added boost find a STRONG “WHY”for each goal and you will have all the inspiration and motivation you ever you need ⚡

PLAN: How are you going to attack your 90 day goals? Set MILESTONES along the way to keep you accountable! People, $, Resources and Skills you need!⏳

SYSTEM: Mon-Sun Weekly playbook! What’s your day to day work flow? How are you going systemize your weekly routines for a maximum benefit! This is also where you build your habits!🔧

ACTION STEPS: Your daily “Get To Do’s”! When you can limit these to 3 major needle movers per day you are on a winning side! Say Hello to Clarity for 2019!👣

For those that want to simplify it down to basics, Align your Action Steps directly with your Purpose and nothing else really matters much!! 🚀

How are your going to play and show up this year? Share the love for Clarity in the comments below!?

If you need a more specific game plan, Do book a time slot from my calendar so we can take it further for you:

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