
30 Books in 3 Paragraphs

In Book Reviews, Clarity, Lifestyle, Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

This week’s blog will be about books and it’s a good one! Focused and effective, exactly as we like it.

Last week we took our dogs to their favorite forest trail and as I shared these 3 principles with my girlfriend, all she said was “that’s what all the books you red talk about”!

I thought to myself, that’s perfect! Maybe other people can save some time and get these learning’s in one tight & focused package!

It’s about the lessons that I learned from the books I have red in the past 18 months. There are roughly 30 books that I have red and studied along.

These are hyper simple to understand yet challenging to act on! They are in order of priority

#1 Focus on the right energy and actions you put out

If there was only one advice that I could give to anyone, this would be it! Focus ALL your efforts, especially in the beginning, to identify the actions and the energy you are sending out!

Think about it this way;

Let’s say you have brand spanking new Ferrari with a tank full of gas. Yourself in a perfect mental and emotional state as you just had your superfood smoothie with the fresh organic Cacao powder and wild blueberries. You are ready to take on the world. Then on the other lane you have this grandpa who is driving a beat up 20-year-old Renault Twingo that barely starts. He’s got a hangover after a poor 3h sleep.

You can paint this picture in your mind! The race starts and the Ferrari starts driving South, Grandpa gets his Twingo going after 15 tries and heads towards his North Star! He is driving 20km/h and barely manages to stay on the road, yet continuously driving North!

Who will get to the finish line first that is under the “North Star”?

Identifying those actions, the direction AND the ENERGY that you put out in the world is absolutely fundamental! In my mind, the most important aspect of getting what we truly want out of life is to send the right kind of Energy out into the right direction!


  1. First is the Skill to identify the key action steps that ONLY take you towards your true North!
  2. Second is your Ability to execute on those actions

If the only thing you did for the next 3 months is to FOCUS on the true needle movers of your life, I bet you will find yourself in a very different situation comparing to now!

There’s an old saying that goes something like this:

“We can only receive what we send out, so do not worry about what you receive,

just concentrate on what you put out!”

Energetically speaking, focus on the Positive Energy that you send out and make sure it moves the needle forward!

#2 Allow and Choose what you receive

Once you got that first step in Check, you can move on to allowing and choosing yourself what to receive!

This was, and still is to a certain aspect my own point to work on. Very often we are frustrated cos we don’t get the results or see the growth we want!

What if the there were people just around you that were looking for you, your service and your idea! What if you just had to open the door and let them in!?

So often we keep the doors closed and not allowing ourselves to receive!

In this day and age, it is very much the question about distractions too! It is absolutely crucial to make sure you only let the people and energy into your own Ecosystem that feeds its growth and longevity!

By setting boundaries and knowing your True North, it becomes increasingly simple to make sure the incoming “signal” is always clear and undisrupted!

It’s is ok to say “No”!

Protect your mental, emotional and physical energy like it’s the most valuable resource you have, because that is exactly what it is!

#3 Expand the Station

What about the growth then, let’s say you are sending the right “packages” out in the mail and you also receive the good deeds in return!

The next step is to make sure we can actually handle a bigger flow of mail coming through our station!

You can only handle as much as your resources and ability allow you to! This is the reason why people who win the lottery find themselves in the same situation where they were after 2-3 years of winning the lottery. You must be able to handle and manage the new increased flow of elements and activities!

Exactly for this reason is why we gain weight? Our body adapts to the new inflow of food and “expands the station” to be able to store the excess somewhere! This is obviously a bit of a negative example, unless that’s your aim, but you get the point!

So, if that happens for the negative direction, it obviously works the same way towards the positive too!

Next time you want to grow, it’s could be this part you have to work on?

As a very simple recap:

1st, Focus on the positive energy that moves the needle towards your true North Star!

2nd, Allow and choose what to receive.

3rd, Expand the Station and your ability to handle the increased flow!

Let me know if this sinks in?

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