overcoming obstacles

12 Keys to overcome your obstacles

In Clarity, Lifestyle by Tuomo Vauhkonen4 Comments

Spring is approaching for us who live in the Northern Hemisphere. That is often a sign of rebirth, added sunlight and new opportunities. Lot of us are cleaning up closets, getting ready for the summer and some maybe doing detox diets!

I personally went through a rough patch in my personal life and was able to overcome my obstacles using these 12 keys. Some of them were unconscious and others very much intentional and deliberate!

In case you encounter problems this Spring, these tips will definitely serve to your benefit.

Saying that and as always, remember to implement what works for you in your own situation and in the environment you are in!

1. Solitude AND Support

The word and is the key here! It is absolutely crucial that you have a solid support network and people in your corner that you can rely on when going gets tough, we all know that!

I feel that it is as important, if not more important to spend time with yourself too! In the end of the day the hardest journey is between our own thoughts and feelings of the heart! So being able to go through the hero’s journey within you is what produces the longest lasting results!

Think about this way; the counselors, coaches, friends and other family members are there to support you and help you with the process! But what happens when eventually you spend time on your own and haven’t dealt with the situation with yourself yet…?

As always, not one or the other, but BOTH are needed!!

2. Trust the process, Not time!

As I already referred to the importance of the process above. This has been one of the absolute key pieces in my own recovery. Knowing that it is a journey and a process, helps to understand and put that higher perspective for the situation!

You hear so many people saying that “time will heal” – I disagree with this!! Cos if it did, why do we still see people who are suffering and cannot let go of their past, even after 10, 20 or 30+ years!!

Understand that Time is part of the process! What you really must do is to take the “bull by its horns” and deal with the situation!

The Ups and Downs are a crucial part of the process as they obviously are deeper and higher than during the norm. The ability to lean in and trust the work you are doing must be high on the list of priorities when you are faced with obstacles.

3. Preparation (When possible…)

If you already know that the storm is on its way, do prepare for it!

“I’ll cross that bridge when it’s that time” mentality more than likely won’t cut, especially if you are faced with the hurricane force winds!

You will never be 100% prepared and there will always be surprises, yet the preparation will make a difference.

And from my own experience again, whatever help and relief you can get, you will take it gladly!

4. Movement and forward momentum

With the movement I mean physical exercise! When you connect with your body by movement, it will clear the stagnant energy that might have trapped there!

It will also get your mind and emotions out of the situation you are dealing with by giving you a break!
Most of the mornings when it was extremely hard to get out of the bed, I literally had to say it out aloud;

“You got to keep moving forward”!

Once we make forward momentum it naturally pushes the process forward and gets us to the next phase!

5. Future Pacing

This might come as a surprise to some but hear me out! I fully acknowledge that we must live in the present when dealing with the harsh situation as that’s the reality we are living.

Often though, the present moment is painful and looking at past might be even harder! Future pacing by finding something interesting and worth feeling for can give you that little push to help you to carry on!

6. Radical Honesty with the reality

Like I mentioned before, “taking the bull by its horns” is needed here! Becoming 1000% clear of what is happening and being honest to yourself is hyper crucial!

We often make up stories and think and feel the situation as if it was something else that it really is! This might offer some help for the present, yet it absolutely harms the long-term process! As the saying goes:

“The lie is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end,
the Truth is bitter at first yet sweet in the end!”

7. Staying organized & cornerstone habits

When life throws you challenges and feels as uncertain as ever possible, staying organized helps! Even small little things like making your bed in the morning and cleaning the house gave me clarity and a piece of well needed Certainty!

It is that delicate dance between uncertainty and certainty that we go through. And obviously during our deepest moments the uncertainty is winning that battle.
Staying focused, clean and organized helps a great deal!

The other huge help is to rely on your so-called cornerstone habits! For me the past month these were clean nutrition and movement!

Most of my other habits and routines flew out of the window, so having those few key elements were super helpful. I could every now and then have a reality check to see I was still doing OK!

8. Be Brave (Have Courage)

Here’s a little interesting synchronicity. Few weeks ago, I had written in my journal these words “I am Brave” about 40 times in one page! I was reminding myself of how I need to stay strong, have courage and more than anything, to be brave in this situation I was going through…

…It was during that same week that someone close to me came and offered me a silvery bracelet where it was written only two words: BE BRAVE

Having courage and being brave is definitely not an easy task, yet it is something that alone might help you to overcome the situation that you are in!

9. Question yourself

This is a healthy habit to have even in times when you are thriving. When things are going South though, questioning yourself offers perspective and can give you the clarity of what’s actually important in life!

This often happens naturally, rough times and obstacles offer us a perfect situation to ask ourselves those harder questions of what’s actually important?

What are the values we live by? How do I actually want to spend my time with in the future! Who are the people and the environments that I feel compelled to be in?

Like I have said in many previous posts;

“If questions are the answers, then we must ask better questions”

10. Find the light

Even during the darkest moments there is always some light somewhere and most often it is hidden from your sight. Someone else might show you where the light switch is or offer you are a candle!

There is light and beauty in every situation, our job is to find it!

Remember this, no matter how dark the journey ahead of you might look at the moment, you just need a little tiny candle to show you the way forward!

Take the next step, put One foot in front of the other and repeat!

11. Embrace the change

This one might be a hard one to swallow yet absolutely necessary. From the evolutionary perspective this is obvious, but when you are dealing with all the obstacles of the situation it is a stretch to embrace the change.

Though, once we fully accept and allow the change to take place in the physical world, our thoughts and emotions will start to follow along by adapting to the reality!

“It’s neither good nor bad, it just IS”

12. Embodiment of the experience

Lastly, as this often comes in the very end is to fully and wholeheartedly embody the Full Experience!

You have understood mentally in the thought level, accepted the process and able to handle your emotions the full experience starts to become clear!

What I’m really referring to here is that we are in peace and full acceptance in all four key levels: Spiritually aligned, understanding mentally, emotionally in peace and physically accepted the current situation!

Once we have fully embodied the experience, it becomes fairly clear what our next steps are and how to carry on forward!

I truly hope this serves you when dealing with the difficult situations and obstacles in your life!

Do let me know, if and which ones resonate with you?


  1. I like very much about your thoughts and the way you describe them. And above all your keys really help people to go through rough and difficult times and occasions.

    In every piece of your advice there is positiveness and faith for the future. The medal has always two sides. Even if the situation is tough and almost too difficult to go through, there is always hope and beautiful things. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    In my own experiences I remember that to do your daily routines was pretty helpful and as well “the inner talk” to yourself like “go for a walk, do your bed, eat breakfast and ask your friend fo a visit etc.

    When I met you, you seemed to be so peaceful, friendly and realistic, although I pretty well knew how big feelings you had/have to handle inside of you. And now after reading your excellent text I understand what a wonderful power and ability to handle different kinds of situations lives in you. And your way to express these feelings is very nice and rare. My warmest thanks for these thoughts and all the best in your life, Tuomo!

    1. Author

      Thank you Tuula for your kind words!
      It truly has been and still is an evolving process. Your kind of comments and encouragements keeps us going forward!

      Have the best days =)

  2. Pingback: Mindset and the direction of our Thoughts - Tuomo Coaching

  3. Pingback: Fail in these 3 ways (Not to reach Mastery). - Tuomo Coaching

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