Fasting and its health benefits

Fasting and its uncommon benefits

In Clarity, Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo Vauhkonen2 Comments

What I Learned from my fasting journey.

Fasting, I am on the last stretch of my absence of food which has been an interesting one. I wanted to share some thoughts and insights that have come up for me.

These are some of my experiences from the last 10 days, so I wanted to share them with you as uncommon benefits of fasting!

First, fasting may not be for everyone, especially these kinds of 10-day sprint challenges.

If you are going through a medical complication, injury, a serious illness or being pregnant please consult your doctor before trying out fasting.

In cases of tiredness, lack of focus, lack of energy or inflammation in the body fasting can be extremely beneficial though!

1. Fasting increases focus and mental clarity.

As we are staying absent from consuming food it gives a break for our digestive system and so releases more available energy for our brain to operate.

Digestion is a heavy energy consumption activity within our body. After eating food, most of our blood circulation is concentrated around the lower abdomen and the stomach area.

And as you know, especially after a big meal your brain takes a break too.

So, it makes perfect sense that when we do not consume food our mind and thoughts are sharper and more focused!

2. Better nutrient absorption = More energy

This happens especially after the fasting periods. Our digestive tract is clean and able to absorb more nutrients, minerals and vitamins from the food that we eat.

Inside of our cells there are these tiny “factories” called mitochondria, which are the energy production facilities of the cells.

When those mitochondria get cleaner and more abundant fuel to burn, they will produce more energy as a byproduct!

3. More time for life with fasting

Think about it this way, how much time you spend each day for grocery shopping, preparation, eating and cleaning up?

Eating food is obviously a pleasure, but it costs you a lot of time.

So, if you have been saying “I don’t have enough time for XYZ” Fasting offers an interesting opportunity!

You will have more time to play with your children and spend time with other loved ones!

4. Emotional resilience

During these periods of fasting there are more than likely emotions that will come up!

Since we are detoxifying physically, we are also releasing emotional burden from the deeper Within. This offers a perfect opportunity to practice our emotional resilience and to deal with whatever it is that will come up.

It may not be easy, but worthwhile since the benefits of deeply rooted emotional detoxifying are far and wide!

5. Body understanding and knowledge

We become fine-tuned with our body since we can truly understand better its different functions, for example our digestive system.

We learn very quickly how our body produces energy and its ability to adapt to new ways of sustaining life.

Most of our senses become heightened, especially our taste and smell. We get to learn more about how our body behaves.

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6. Increased connection to presence

As we become more fine-tuned with our senses, we also become more in touch with our environment. We start to observe more of our outside world as well as our internal world.

This will equal to more presence and connection to this moment, because I think and feel we can all use a bit more presence in our lives.

In the end of the day, if you ever wanted to change anything in your life, it all happens in this present moment.

7. Fasting & willpower management

Willpower is an interesting one, we all know that in the morning it is easier to stay away from unhealthy pleasures. Willpower diminishes during the day and by the evening we have a lot less of it.

Fasting will stretch the mental muscle making it stronger.

Staying absent from food is a mental exercise as well as physical. Going through a fasting period and coming up as a winner in the end will build that muscle of willpower!

8. “Water is life

This is something that I get to learn again and again. It truly is the most important element for life on planet Earth.

Water is the cheapest, most effective and the most beneficial ingredient for health. Staying hydrated is the easiest thing to do, yet most of the people are not drinking enough water.

During my two days of fasting only with water allowed me to realize how important it is comparing to food.

Water is the life-source of our energy and vitality, so drink plenty of high-quality water every single day.

9. Connection to true human needs

As with water and its importance to life, during times of fasting we truly become connected to that what is important! A lot of unnecessary needs & wants will dissipate.

moreover, It becomes easier to say no to distractions as we become more focused and concentrated to what’s truly important.

I have written about human needs previously here.

10. Increased longevity

There are multiple studies that have come out lately about the connection between fasting and longevity.

I purposely left out the information that is easy to be found from Google such as health benefits related to fasting.

As longevity is one of my deep interests, I wanted to share this article with you that will prove the connection between increased life span and staying absent from food/ fasting.

Sum Up

There are many levels of fasting we can try out, from short bursts to extended periods.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend at least trying out intermittent fasting which is an entry-level familiarization for fasting.

In intermittent fasting you stay out of food for 16 hours and eat during 8 hours during the day. This method will get you going, and you will start seeing some of the benefits!

And most importantly, I truly hope you find value in this piece, so do let me know when you want to learn more!?

Reach out and I will be more than happy to guide you for your fasting process!

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    1. Author

      Thanks Kyle, Always good to hear of you!
      Yes, this fasting period was especially effective to my focus, concentration, Energy levels and getting more in tune with the presence!

      I would/will highly recommend to try out and experiment with different types of fasting and see what works for you! 😉

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