
Inaction or IN Action?

In Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Today we keep it short, sweet and in high energy towards action!

Do you most of the time live in your head, thinking and making a perfect plan or do you want to get on the field of play?
Often our actions are inconsistent, or we doubt them! This can manifest in your relationship and/or some other area of your life. in one arena you might be crushing it and somewhere else you are holding back… sounds familiar? Surely does for me!
There is definitely the time and space to do all that inner work, Mastermind and Think Tank. That is absolutely vital, I get it, yet actions are what will be remembered!
The only way to get feedback and move forward is put something out in the physical world!!
Are you struggling with clarity, procrastination or pure unfocused awareness??
Sometimes, it’s good to just start throwing S#!T on the walls and see what sticks!

And once you find some traction and start seeing the results, it becomes easier to double down on your efforts!

How to go from inaction to In Action

✅ Shorten your timeline to create inner urgency! I know it is less ideal, but it will give you the extra fire when needed!
✅ Use the 80/20! Get it out there when you are 80% done! Run your product, idea or service as a Beta and ask for a feedback on how to put the last details together! Perfect hardly exists, especially in the beginning!!

I have written about 80/20 before here!
✅ Your “WHY” matters more than possibly anything else! Once you find a strong enough reason to do what you want to do, you will not need an alarm clock anymore! That Emotional fuel will get you out on the field to play it ALL OUT!
Remember that Energy in Motion = Emotion!

Use that fire to propel you forward – regardless it being negative or positive!!
✅ Take all the feedback as positive or as a Growth opportunity! Let the complainers to complain, because where ever in the world we are, which ever culture!

Doers DO and Complainers Complain!

✅ Serve the audience of 2! When you focus on only a few people who you want to serve or deal with, it becomes easier to take action! More than likely the whole world will not resonate with your message or what you stand for!
✅ Keep it fun and share the action! Once you find that you can share the activity and it is enjoyable, you are 1000% (made up number, but sounds about right!) more likely to get out on the field!

Let me know how these tips land with you?

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