Emotional Alignment

Emotional Alignment and control!

In Resiliency by Tuomo Vauhkonen2 Comments

How important for you is to understand, handle and direct your emotions the right way?⁣⁣ How much more emotional Balance, Lightness and Alignment you would feel when your emotions are in harmony with your thoughts and physical actions!?

I feel this has become one of the hottest topics in our Personal Development field today.

Recently, in one of my Coaching sessions someone told me that what I’m teaching and preaching about is not so much about Personal Growth nor development, but more about Personal Alignment.

For me, this alignment happens when we have our Physic, Emotions, Thoughts and Spirit harmoniously connected!

I have recently dove a little deeper into the world of the universal Energy and how it is the source of it all, (More of this in the near future) and how our Emotions are the carriers of this energy!

I truly believe that the Frequency we Emit out into the world is the strongest on that Emotional level!⁣⁣

For me, one of the easiest and best understandings of this is to realize that every Emotion is also a CARRIER of Information.⁣⁣

Harness this Potentiality and have an ability to use your own emotions to your advantage instead of against you!

This is the “new” super power that we all have within us!⁣⁣⁣⁣

Emotional “How to”

I find it useful to have these 3 tips towards Emotional Alignment on my back pocket:⁣⁣

✅Bigger and higher PERSPECTIVE! When you truly realize that all the Emotions have information and you are able to somewhat separate yourself from them, you become objective.⁣⁣

⁣This again gives you a better platform to start Responding instead of reacting! ⁣⁣⁣

Take the information presented to you as an opportunity to Learn, Grow and Respond accordingly!⁣⁣

✅  Separate the FACTS from FEELINGS by understanding the reality of the experience you are having. Come clear with yourself what is actually happening and how you are having an internal experience, which is connected, yet separate from the external one!

✅ Questions are the Answers. Ask yourself higher quality questions and you more than likely receive better answers in return!⁣⁣

What are your steps to help YOU with your Emotional Alignment?

If you are ready to dive deeper to take more control and understand your Emotions better than let’s chat!

Find a slot that suits you from my open calendar here or leave me an idea here!


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