Morning Blues

Morning Blues? 7 Habits to battle proof your day!

In Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

How do you activate yourself in the morning? I’m sure we all have had and will have mornings that we would love to stay in bed instead of getting up for the Grind. Who feels that?⁣⁣

What if it was the other way around though… You woke up fired up, ready to Serve and Shine!⁣

I truly think that this is possible with few small tweaks to your Evening and Morning routines.

Here’s my Seven Solid Action Habits to Wake up “On Fire” every darn day. These daily Habits will definitely throw more logs into your morning Fire pit and battle proof your Day for success!

Go to Bed early.⁣

Daaah, I know, it’s so obvious yet almost no one is Consistently doing this. Lights out by 09:30 pm and up at 5 am = 7,5 h of Sleep which is enough for 80% of the Adults.

Make Peace with the day past.

Leave your Worries and Victories on a piece of paper or spill them out to someone else. Busy mind leads to bad sleep which equals to “unfirey” & Blue mornings!⁣

Plan your Day and Schedule it a night prior.

Goes hand in hand with the previous step. You need to empty the Mind as effectively as possible before bed time!⁣ Do this old fashioned Long-handed way by putting ink to a white paper.

NO Fast sugars, carbs nor Coffee after 2 pm!

You probably heard of Coffee rule before and I would highly encourage you to add Carbs and especially fast sugars into that list too!⁣

Light evening meals with Lean Protein and Veggies are a way to go to make sure you have a Deeply Nourished Sleep.⁣

Be on a Mission.

Define a Solid Internal Statement that gives you a reason to Get Up and Show Up. Mine at the moment is “How may I serve the most amount of People!”⁣

Pump up the Tunes and Move.

Steal the show with the early morning Boogie session and Move the Body!⁣

You surely heard it before:

“When the Body Moves the Brain Grooves”!⁣

-Jim Kwik-

Go Cold.⁣

Cold water immersions have been a folk medicine for centuries in Nordic Countries and surely beats your Morning Blues!⁣ Start with 10 seconds and work your way up to two(2) minutes!

Breath control is an absolute game changer when it comes to regulating your BodyMind Connection and how long you stand Cold water.

Any of these daily habits and routines will do wonders to your morning. Compound few or all of them together and you will be on your way to Better and better days.⁣

Which one you need the most work on?⁣

🏃To your Epic Mornings,⁣


Ps. If you want to dive deeper into Habits, Routines and how to make them work for your work Schedule, I can point you to a right direction.

Let’s jump on a call and we can see how to make it all happen for you!

Schedule a session with me here.

Pss. I wrote about morning habits before in here.

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