
In Clarity by Tuomo Vauhkonen3 Comments

80/20 rule

How to take more action and kill the procrastination for good.


Most people have heard of the 80/20 Rule I’m sure. Just in case, if someone is still in the shadows with it, it takes 20% of the time to get 80% of the given project or job done and the last 20% takes you the 80% of the time. This is very much of a guide line only, not a stated fact.

Nevertheless, it is a great idea and a tool to be conscious of. Procrastination is very common and runs rampant in our work, relationships and other areas of our lives!

Lot of the times, me very much included, it is hard for us to be or put ourselves into the right mindset and emotional states to take those required actions! Even if we know that this is beneficial for us or something we must do.

When you give yourself a brake, allow a little 80/20 back in your reality AND that not everything has to be perfect it makes it easier to get things moving and grooving.

“But it needs to be my best work and effort!”



Absolutely agreed! And what I say to that is: “put it out there as a soft launch or beta version, get some feedback and make it even better that you expected in the beginning!”

Small business and solo entrepreneurs have sometimes a hard time showcasing their work, especially if it is not their maximum output. There are fears and doubts that creep up when you release something out in the world when it’s yet to be your strongest effort.

Something I learned from Eben Pagan and his product lesson was that especially in the beginning of your journey is a lot better to concentrate on the version 3.0 in stead of the first draft! You make few mistakes and you get better, a lot better by getting feedback which you will turn into growth.

80/20 will save you a heck a lot of time, trouble and headache when you give yourself a permission to be good enough on the first round, a lot better on the second go and make the difference with the version 3.0!

The 110% super yacht life


In my “past life” I spent time cleaning and polishing white yachts in the South of France and the west coast of Italy. That realm is very different to this idea of 80/20. There everything needs to be 110% and still there’s something that was not right. There was always something that was out, missing or needed more.

On the other hand, this is great when you can approach the situation from the side that you can always grow and be better, yet this approach has less encouragement and satisfaction.

Also, when you have a lot of “hands of deck pushing and pulling all the levers and knobs” it is a lot easier to make your service close to that 100%. As big corporations usually have hundreds of workers concentrated on producing just one or few products, the job of aiming close to a perfection is easier comparing to small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Yet, I’m sure these days almost every launch, product and service has a 1.0 version that is somewhere in the 80%/90% mark of its full potential. Getting it out of your hands and out in the world for a test run is vital!

Release your fears of having to be perfect, accept ALL feedback as a growth opportunity and put yourself out there.

Be vulnerable and showcase your work!

Our current times will allow that by giving opportunities to whoever is willing to step up.

My own 80/20 Action


Here we go, you might be reading this already here on the website. This is what I have been working on the last few weeks producing my website as 1.0 version.

Please do send me feedback as if you feel called to do, so I can make it better and provide more impact!

What are the areas of your life where the 80/20 can bring you value?


In what actions you procrastinate?

This mindset shift of 80/20 can save you a lot of time and energy!

Take more action by allowing yourself to make few more mistakes to learn from!

Apply the Growth mindset. 😉


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