
Optimization Vs. Peak Performance

In Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Self-optimization might be the key answer to what is required from us in the busy world.

There is a lot of talk about Performance and the ever increasing need to be at our Peak states, at all times. We must, or so we are told, to produce, provide more and serve the consumer society.

This is obviously an inherit problem in itself. In my today’s writing I wanted to tackle the individual perspective of this aspect and what is the best alternative.

Back in my childhood one of my favorite clothing brands was this Swedish apparel called “Peak Performance “. And as I was engaged in extremely competitive environment, playing and training daily with Professional level athletes, I did not think much about it.

The truth though is that our abilities to produce and compete at our highest level are few and far in between. The ultimate Peak states that we can get our bodies into are Not happening daily, not even weekly.

This is especially true when it comes to Professional level athletes who aim their best physical and mental states at a certain event of the year.

We all know that human body just cannot sustain this level of Performance and Production for extended amounts of time.

Eventually something must give in, if we keep pushing the engine to its max, that engine being our body.

What is the solution then?

Optimization for rescue

First, this word Optimization must be understood correctly.

Our levels of Performance and energy ebbs and flows. There are natural peaks and valleys daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

One of my earliest blog posts was about cyclic empowerment that you can read here.

Using the Car as an example, optimization makes sure that we are not running the engine too hot nor running out of gas in the tank.

I believe this to be one of the most fundamental personal skill sets to have in the current world.

As of writing this article, the uncertainty and the future has never looked so hazy due to the global pandemic.

We need tools and protocols to optimize and up-regulate our state when the going gets tough. And down regulate when the stress and overwhelm gets too high.

I believe the practices such as Meditation, Mindfulness, and our ability to take care of our sleep are the Go-To skills to have. Especially when it comes to Down Regulating the over stimulated nervous system.

And vice versa the mental and emotional up regulation as well as physically being able to raise the level of our energy when we are in the ditch is what Optimization is all about!

So that we can sustain the required levels of Mental Focus, Emotional resiliency, and overall optimized performance to stay stronger, longer.

Some of the basic fundamentals for this approach are the quality and the amount of Sleep, High density Nutrition and daily Functional Movement!

The End Product

What are the results for me, you may ask?

The dips and the occasional low days will still definitely happen. The Idea is to make the Duration, Frequency and Amplitude of those times weaker and shorter.

I shot a Vlog post about this idea too that you can watch here.

Our life becomes more sustainable in relation to Performance. We can cope with Stress better as we are always not revving the engine to its max. Our quality of production increases and gives it more longevity.

Performance optimization is the answer to high demands of the current workplace.

We must move away from the need to produce, create, and Do all day, every day.

Optimization includes Rest and relaxation in its core. The rejuvenation times are as important as the actual active productive times are.

In the very end of it all, it comes down to what kind of Lifestyle and environment we are willing to create around us. Who are the people we choose to spend time with? Because these two elements effect our state more than we are consciously aware of.

If your results are less optimal or your candle is burning out from its both ends, would you agree that it is time to make a change to that?

Lifestyle and Performance Optimization is your answer! Especially, if you are someone who calls him/herself a High or even an Over Achiever!

All Green Lights

Ps. If you are ready to dive deeper and roll up your sleeves to start living your best and the most Optimized Lifestyle with the sustainable levels of Performance, then let’s find out how I can possibly help you to do that!

Learn more in here.

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