Lifestyle change

12 Essential Lifestyle Changes, Anti-Covid edition

In Lifestyle by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

If you are looking to super charge your health and bulletproof your longevity & lifestyle, here are some elements that I would highly recommend considering.

As the second wave of the Virus is hitting us here in French Polynesia, I wanted to offer you these ideas to strengthen your health and Immune system response. In case the funky Virus will reach your interior core, you want to be ready and prepared at your highest manner.

These simple yet extremely effective Lifestyle changes and habits will make sure you are on the right track forward.


Possibly the most important element of them all is to make sure you rest well! Our body will recharge and rejuvenate itself the most effectively when the sleep is deep and sufficient.

Safeguard the quality of your sleep, including the bedroom environment, because your future health very much depends on it!


This is not a Wuhu pseudo-science anymore. Walking bare feet and being connected to any heavenly body such as Ocean, River, Lake, or the earth’s soil will make you absorb negative Ions. This in return lowers the inflammation and strengthen your immune system.

American Indian’s believe that sleeping on a regular Bed makes you sick because you are disconnected from the Earth.

Nature Connection

Goes hand in hand with the previous point. Spending time in nature will connect you more into your inner world, calm down your nervous system and switch it to operate more in the para sympathetic side.

When we are in the para-sympathetic function of our nervous system, all the growth, rejuvenation and healing is able to take place.

Cold Water

Or we could also reframe this into a short exposure to healthy stress. Cold water is just one example of this as it functions to bulletproof our health against viruses.

This Northern lands Folk medicine has also recently gained the trust of the scientific community.

Here is a quick instagram video of my cold Immersions in Finland back in Winter of 2018-2019.


In its most simple terms:

“Movement is Life “

Everything in Life is its continuous Movement and so should we! Sedentary lifestyle of the current society is slowly immobilizing us, and not just in physical level, but also Emotionally, mentally, and Energetically!

The restrictions on our physical movement due to covid must be overcome, and we have to get ourselves moving.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed about something, try going for a walk, a quick run or do some jumping jacks and I‘ll guarantee that you will feel different.

Move. More. Today!


Taking care of your inner world is one of the best future investments you can do today! Mental health challenges are on the rise like we have never seen before. Taking the best care of your mental stability is essential!

If you are a total newbie, start small and ask someone to guide you to get you going.

The benefits are often subtle in the beginning as you realize that your behavior changes slowly.

Being patient is your best ally when building a Meditation practice.


Learning and Growth are essential human needs. And not just in the childhood period, but all throughout our lifespan.

It is one of the healthiest lifestyle habits to have in our lives. When we learn new things, our brain must rewire and organize itself in new ways which again strengthen it to make it more resilient.

If the Covid Scare has got you to a standstill and you feel stuck, try to learn a new skillset, and engage in new behaviors.


Elasticity and staying physically malleable helps the blood circulation around the body as well as the lymphatic system to drain the waste products more effectively.

Again, this part is very much related to Movement, being its necessary counterpart.

For me personally, nowadays I do this automatically all throughout the day.

For example, descending from my office I always hang from the stairs for 30-40 seconds which has helped me tremendously with my upper back and shoulders alignment!

Community connection

It goes without a saying that in the new world we live in, the physical & interpersonal connections have been taken down to its minimum.

Though us as human beings, it is our elementary need to feel connected to others, and not just in the virtual world and Zoom calls.

Having positive peers and physical connection to other likeminded people will strengthen our Emotional resiliency as well as makes us feel more positive overall.

I would be highly surprised if positive Emotional connections did not make our immune response stronger as a byproduct.

I know this might be a tall order today, yet I would encourage to engage with Covid Free people as much as possible.

High Density Nutrition

These days the whole discussion about Nutrition is such a heated and personalized battle that my current view is this:

More Nutritional Density the food item holds, the more benefits it will have for us!

There are obviously numerous differences when it comes to personal circumstances, but no one can really beat the fact that more clean vitamins, nutrients, and minerals we are able to ingest the better off we are.


I have always been a big fan of water and so hydration comes as a simple step to take care of my health.

One of the easiest things to do, yet most people are dehydrated all throughout the day.

Challenge yourself to drink adequate amount of water for 21 days (2-3 Liters per day) and see how you feel? If you are not doing this yet, start today and let me know how it goes?! 😉


Especially in today’s reality it has become almost more important to know what Not to Do and what Not to eat than the opposite!

Fasting offers an interesting window to minimizing the excess quickly.

There are hundreds of studies stating the benefits of Fasting to human health.

Many have tried Intermitted Fasting with great results.

Fasting also helps to make us mentally and emotionally stronger plus saves a lot of time when not having to deal with Food preparation and the kitchen aftermath.

So, there you have it, compact list of 12 Lifestyle habits to include into your daily life today.

Which ones do you already have installed? which one needs more work on?

In Robust and Empowered Health,


PS. I wrote about Lifestyle and Fulfilment recently here.

PSS. Three other simple and solid ways to take this further.

1. Lifestyle Mastery Podcast is alive and breathing on most of the major Podcast platforms like Apple PodcastSpotify and Sticher.

2. Lifestyle Mastermind is where I share more daily content, interviews and provide Value for every member plus you will have more direct access for our like-minded community.

3. Private Coaching, Are you ready to dive even deeper into your personal Mastery and start to live your Life with more Intention, Joy and Fulfillment?

If that is a solid yes, than feel free to find a suitable slot from my calendar to find out how I can best help you to bring those Dreams into a Reality! 😉

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