blank checks

Who is writing Blank Checks?

In Clarity by Tuomo Vauhkonen1 Comment

I’m sure you are fantastically well as life is giving its all to you today!

As I’m zipping my morning medicinal mushroom coffee I wanted to share something that’s been on my mind for a while now..

Here in Tahiti we still use Checks! Yes, people carry with them those paper booklets and write checks to each others in stores!

In one way I feel that it is great to have these older methods of exchanging money. At the same time, there is this alarming habit that I see every now and then; people write BLANK CHECKS!! 

This happens due to unclear amount of money or date when the check should be paid for.

Now, as there’s nothing terribly wrong about it, especially when we can trust the receiver. What might happen though is that,

We become uncertain of our intentions!
We send an unclear message out by allowing the “flow” to float our boat too much!

Becoming Clear

Writing Blank Checks is similar to the idea of going sailing without any destination! You will go where the wind blows, ending up in any harbor downwind from you.

To go purely with the flow of life is absolutely great and adorable, if and when that is your intention.
BUT, when we have ideas, goals and things to do in this world; WE MUST become clear of our destination! 

The more specific our intentions are, the easier it is to figure out those daily “To Do’s”!

It also becomes mentally and emotionally lighter to complete the day when we know who is in charge of the destination!

Stop writing blank checks! Define a clear destination and become hyper focused where and with who you spend your energy! 

For the “Spirit junkies” this is especially important. A lot of the times the intentions are set, though yet to be clear!

The Universe, God, Energy or the Spirit WILL answer when we send clear and defined signals AND are willing to receive in return!

“Clarity precedes mastery and the more clear you can get on what you want to create in life, the more focused you will be in your daily behaviors.”
-Robin Sharma-

It’s TIME – Let’s Do this!


  1. Pingback: Mindset and the direction of our Thoughts - Tuomo Coaching

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