Flow is a state where we feel our best and perform our best. -Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi To Move and be in a Flow State represents the delicate relationship between challenge and skill. Flow state is where all Focus and concentration come to the present moment. The worries of the future or the past are put aside for a moment, and we’re …
Two Growth Principles that you are probably Missing
GROWTH, we all want it. For this conversation as a proxy, we assume that you are already in the field of play doing the work and putting in the effort. Yet despite the effort we still often do not experience Growth as desired. One likely reason is obviously that our expectations and Goals are so high that we miss the …
6 Consistency Principles to Master the Process
Consistency. We hear a lot talk about it and How it is a necessary ingredient in any form of Success. Truth though is this: 50% of people have given up on their #Goals by mid-January. 80% By the 1st of Feb. (Resource) Why is this? How come it is so hard to stay on track and Do.The.Work. needed to reach our Goals? These are just …
Perseverance: 3 Ways to Build it Today
Perseverance and our ability to Play the Long game are what’s missing in today’s fast-paced life.
The Power of Patience
Watch a 59 Second YouTube version of this post Here If there was one Performance Principle that most if not all the High Achievers have mastered or need to master, it would be Patience Our ability to Delay Gratification, embrace the initial resistance, and the fact that anything worthwhile doing requires us to be patient. Know the truth and the reality that Big Goals …
11 Simple Truths about Mastery
“Mastery is the Commitment to the Path “ Michael Gervais I assume you are reading this because you are into personal growth and development as a daily practice. This is what most if not all the High Achievers and Performers are signed up for. The daily commitment to getting to great and the pursuit of Mastery. Mastery is the path …
Personal Growth filters for Professional Success
Every now and then we all need to update to a new set of lenses and filters that we see the world through. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” Late Wayne Dyer In a more physical sense, if you live in a house with air-conditioning units, own a car, or have …
Why Self-Leadership and Mastery of self matter?
Self-leadership is for Everyone because you are a leader!We all have spaces and places where we are called to lead others. Home as a husband/ wife, caregiver, in your sports teams, and obviously at your workplace. We are all called upon to take the wings of a leader at some point or the other in our lives. Some of us take …
High-Performance Principles for Lifestyle Mastery
High-Performance, so often we think of the Top world-class athletes or Entrepreneurs who are hustling 80+hour workweeks. The truth, or at least my own truth is far away from this as we all can be High-Performers in our own rights if we choose to start walking this path. There are solid principles that are needed to Perform at our OWN highest …
Multitasking and its True Cost!
Multitasking and context switching are the Energy hogging and Focus Stealing Monsters that must be tamed. Multitasking used to be the skill that was highly valuable, especially if you worked in the office environments. In the Job interviews your possible future boss might have asked, if you are good at Multitasking? This was obvious because the jobs we have often …