2021 is just around the corner. I am sure many of us have already our eyes fixated into the new year and its opportunities. One thing that is for sure in my mind, is that what ever happened in 2020 will reshape our act and how we fundamentally operate in the world. There are some serious advantages and key skill …
12 Essential Lifestyle Changes, Anti-Covid edition
If you are looking to super charge your health and bulletproof your longevity & lifestyle, here are some elements that I would highly recommend considering. As the second wave of the Virus is hitting us here in French Polynesia, I wanted to offer you these ideas to strengthen your health and Immune system response. In case the funky Virus will …
Fulfillment Formula: Two Keys To More Fulfilling Life
Fulfillment is my goal when I squeeze my head on the pillow at the end of the day. What dictates that success can vary, but for me, I have tried to simplify this process to its core elements. How can I make life as simple as possible that allows the maximum amount of return on my efforts as possible? Unfortunately, we …
Optimization Vs. Peak Performance
Self-optimization might be the key answer to what is required from us in the busy world. There is a lot of talk about Performance and the ever increasing need to be at our Peak states, at all times. We must, or so we are told, to produce, provide more and serve the consumer society. This is obviously an inherit problem …
Productivity for Peak PERFORMANCE
The current times are turbulent to say the least. World is changing in ever increasing speeds and more productivity is required to stay on the top of our game. There are two old laws that I have distilled into this blog post which have now morphed into a more suitable versions of themselves and so fit better into our current …
Embrace the Rain, Delay Gratification
Embrace the Truth, Grind or the Reality is another way of putting it. This is the definite difference maker between average and World Class. The #1 Success Element for High Achievers. But it needs to be Fun and Enjoyable they say? I get that, if what we are here to do is not enjoyable in the long term, we more than likely …
High Achievers 9 Fundamentals for Daily Growth
High Achievers Lifestyle and striving for Peak Performance is what lot of us are aiming for. Especially in today’s performance-oriented world where we are required to do more in daily basis. In this writing I’ll cover my nine daily fundamental elements that are needed to make this lifestyle choice work for you, instead of the other way around. Bear in …
Trust the process that is 99% of the Time Off track
Trust your step and the path you are on! Back in the day, I used to work on private yachts as an officer sailing around the Oceans of the world. During my night watches on the bridge (the place where the yacht is been steered), I realized something very interesting, the boat was off its track 99% of the time! …
Fear melting Process in Two Steps
Fear, Let’s face it, we all experience it in some form or the other. Some of the fears are actually helpful for us, for example the fear of loneliness especially among the elderly which should push one to be more social. Fear of heights and loud noises are the two that we are born with as we come out of …
A$$ Kicking won’t stop in 2020!
💥 “Don’t expect the A$$ kicking to stop in 2020!” Steven Kotler Especially, if you are in the game of developing yourself, making progress and aiming for higher performance. Chances are that the Decade change didn’t do much for you.. Or did it? Even if our Mindset has changed and we now see through a different pair of classes, the …