To fail is something we all want to avoid, even if we are supposed to and need them for growth. I was recently listening an interview by Michael Neill, who is one of those people that when he speaks, I listen. He shared these three simple, yet hyper effective steps to make sure you never fail again. Most of us …
Clarity, essential element for 2020
“I need more Clarity” is something we hear a lot, especially in today’s hyper stimulated and in “You Can do anything You want” world.
Resilience, and how to measure Emotional strength.
Emotional resilience, Intelligence and understanding are such a hot and important topics at the moment. And for a good reason. When we let the Emotional life to “drive the bus” so to speak, we are left with the mercy of our feelings. And as we very well know we all have those days when we just don’t feel like it. …
Mastery or Perfectionism?
Mastery is only achieved by a 10.000 h work rule? How much truth there is to this idea that we need to have thousands of hours of repetitive actions to become Master at our craft? Often this type of thinking leads easily towards Perfectionism. If you are a person who identifies him/herself as someone who needs to have everything at …
Momentum Gainer – Say NO more often!
Momentum, How can we get more of it? Today we are living in the world where our Time and Energy are being hijacked. The Environmental cues pull and push us to different directions asking our attention constantly. This is extremely taxing to our Focus and abilities to Concentrate for a longer period of time. The time management Skills of the …
Morning Blues? 7 Habits to battle proof your day!
How do you activate yourself in the morning? I’m sure we all have had and will have mornings that we would love to stay in bed instead of getting up for the Grind. Who feels that? What if it was the other way around though… You woke up fired up, ready to Serve and Shine! I truly think that this …
Spirit & Energy – 7 ways to BE connected!
Spirit is something that I talk less about. I have written of many subjects around personal development and growth yet to truly touch upon the elements of Spirit and Energy! Today, I wanted to open a little bit more as these aspects are very much on the bottom or on top (depending of your view) of my Coaching philosophy. It is the holistic S.T.E.P. process …
PURPOSE, 7 Keys to cultivate more Meaningful Life
You hear a lot of talk about Purpose today. There are a lot of ideas about how to have a more meaningful Life. And I get it, today we are living in a world where survival is not an issue anymore. More and more people are comfortable in their own lives where the basics are taken care of! So, what …
Mindset and the direction of our Thoughts
Mindset Matters much more than we think! Emotions and Feelings are often just byproducts of our thoughts, so taking care of them becomes essential to say the least! We have around 60.000 thoughts per day and most of those thoughts are exactly the same as the day before. These thoughts are dictating our Emotions and Physical Actions in the world.The interesting …
Emotional Alignment and control!
How important for you is to understand, handle and direct your emotions the right way? How much more emotional Balance, Lightness and Alignment you would feel when your emotions are in harmony with your thoughts and physical actions!? I feel this has become one of the hottest topics in our Personal Development field today. Recently, in one of my Coaching sessions …