80/20 rule How to take more action and kill the procrastination for good. Most people have heard of the 80/20 Rule I’m sure. Just in case, if someone is still in the shadows with it, it takes 20% of the time to get 80% of the given project or job done and the last 20% takes you the 80% …
2017 Key takeaways
The last look into the past Insights and takeaways from 2017 As a start of the of it all, I wanted to look a bit deeper into the last year to bring you my personal breakthroughs and the biggest takeaways of the year! We often try to “clean the slate” completely and start fresh when the calendar changes thus forgetting …
This hyper interesting book dives deep into the life of Original ideas, inventions and what type of people are suspected to be so called “Originals”. I had fun reading this book and was highly inspired by it so I wanted to share my key take a way’s chapter by chapter. Hopefully this could inspire you to pick up this book too and give it a read! Maybe you come up with something Original on your own. 😉
The Morning habits
The morning habits How to champion your morning routines – Every morning The early morning habits are absolutely crucial in my mind. We need them to set the stage for the day and to produce the results we have set for ourselves. I believe that setting goals is one of the primary tools for success, then starting and ending your …
Consistency – The unspoken power tool
Consistency is one of those words that comes to my mind when I think of the best Tiramisu dessert or when contemplating if the surf is going to be worth to wax my board. Robin Sharma, one of the leading speakers and coaches in the personal development space calls consistency the “Mother of mastery”. How can we use this idea of being personally consistent on our daily lives and why that even matters?
Cyclic Empowerment
All life exists on a basis of oscillation of energy and different frequencies of these energetic waves as described in the theories of quantum physics. Hardly anything is linear as everything has movement and momentum, it’s up and down, side to side & around & around. We live in a world where static is an illusion, routines start to feel boring, change is the only constant and somewhat linear experience in our lives.