The current times are turbulent to say the least. World is changing in ever increasing speeds and more productivity is required to stay on the top of our game. There are two old laws that I have distilled into this blog post which have now morphed into a more suitable versions of themselves and so fit better into our current …
High Achievers 9 Fundamentals for Daily Growth
High Achievers Lifestyle and striving for Peak Performance is what lot of us are aiming for. Especially in today’s performance-oriented world where we are required to do more in daily basis. In this writing I’ll cover my nine daily fundamental elements that are needed to make this lifestyle choice work for you, instead of the other way around. Bear in …
Fear melting Process in Two Steps
Fear, Let’s face it, we all experience it in some form or the other. Some of the fears are actually helpful for us, for example the fear of loneliness especially among the elderly which should push one to be more social. Fear of heights and loud noises are the two that we are born with as we come out of …
Mastery or Perfectionism?
Mastery is only achieved by a 10.000 h work rule? How much truth there is to this idea that we need to have thousands of hours of repetitive actions to become Master at our craft? Often this type of thinking leads easily towards Perfectionism. If you are a person who identifies him/herself as someone who needs to have everything at …
Momentum Gainer – Say NO more often!
Momentum, How can we get more of it? Today we are living in the world where our Time and Energy are being hijacked. The Environmental cues pull and push us to different directions asking our attention constantly. This is extremely taxing to our Focus and abilities to Concentrate for a longer period of time. The time management Skills of the …
Morning Blues? 7 Habits to battle proof your day!
How do you activate yourself in the morning? I’m sure we all have had and will have mornings that we would love to stay in bed instead of getting up for the Grind. Who feels that? What if it was the other way around though… You woke up fired up, ready to Serve and Shine! I truly think that this …
Inaction or IN Action?
Today we keep it short, sweet and in high energy towards action! Do you most of the time live in your head, thinking and making a perfect plan or do you want to get on the field of play? Often our actions are inconsistent, or we doubt them! This can manifest in your relationship and/or some other area of your …
Perseverance, Dragon fruits and TEDx!
What do they all have in common? My story of perseverance… Back about three years ago I had planted my first Dragon Fruit (or Pitaya as it’s called from its other name) here in our garden. I heard it would take about a year, give or take to get fruits from it. Little that I knew that my love/ hate …
Fasting and its uncommon benefits
What I Learned from my fasting journey. Fasting, I am on the last stretch of my absence of food which has been an interesting one. I wanted to share some thoughts and insights that have come up for me. These are some of my experiences from the last 10 days, so I wanted to share them with you as uncommon …
12 Keys to overcome your obstacles
I personally went through a rough patch in my personal life and was able to overcome it quite quickly thanks to the following elements. Some of them were unconscious and others very much intentional and deliberate!