From passion to patterns

From Passion to Patterns

In Lifestyle by Tuomo Vauhkonen1 Comment

Take your passion in life and make it real with patterns


There have never been these many opportunities around us. We can literally do, act, behave and create as much as we want. The only true barrier is our imagination.

This has led us to a situation where many are looking for a direction, finding your passion in life is a great way to start this journey. Going further, we must be able to turn our passion into action steps, habits and patterns.

Be curious of your Passion

The passion as a word is well over used in the current media, especially in the self-help media. For a good reason though because once we identify our deeper desires our life starts to become a whole lot more meaningful.

A good starting point is to explore what are you curious about?

“Passion exists at the intersection of three or more things you’re really curious about.” – Steven Kotler

And remember that it does not have to be only one single passion that leads and guides our life. I have had few different areas over the years that I was passionate about in different stages of my growth.

Or maybe you have had glimpses of those moments in the past where you lived your life fully fired all day long. Truly passionate what you were doing and now it is only a distant memory.

How to re-ignite that fire back into your belly? Brendon Burchard offers some advice in this video here!

Make it a reality with patterns

In the end of the day what matters are the actions. The steps we take that are the “needle movers”! Once finding what truly gets us up from bed every morning we need to act on that feeling!

One of the best ways to train your brain and body to take more action is to develop these patterns into our neural pathways. We now know that we are what we repeatedly do. The brain is rewiring itself, all day everyday according to our thoughts and actions.

What if,

we get too caught up in our everyday life though? Being able to thrive and stay sane in our current hectic lifestyle is a challenge to say the very least.

These patterns we have ingrained into our internal network to help us keep it all together. Habits and routines are the backbone of our everyday life. Becoming conscious of these patterns and deliberately building better and better systems into our life is a key element.

Passion to Patterns and back again

Once we have these two key pieces figured out, passion & patterns, life starts to be a lot easier to handle. We stop questioning ourselves while the journey becomes a heck of a lot smoother.

There will definitely still be days when the pendulum swings the other way, it’s just a natural cycle of life. (I wrote about cyclic empowerment before in here).

When the low road happens it is a good idea to go back to a drawing board and remind yourself on

  • WHY are you doing what you are doing?

Our why is a hyper powerful aspect of our passion! It is a deeper reason why we do what we do. Reminding yourself of the true reason(s) will often bring clarity into our actions.

  • Feel the feelings and appreciate the low road!

The down cycle is there for a reason. It is there to teach us a valuable lesson, IF we ready to receive. Be open to these setbacks, learn and grow! Often I think of these as necessary pit stops where we need to recharge to get back on the road again!

  • Stick to your habit patterns

Schedule them into your calendar! When things are tough, a great and essential way to make sure your patterns are repeated is to make a 100% commitment! A written down plan is highly recommenced!

Having Accountability helps tremendously. This way we don’t have to rely on the valuable willpower when there’s someone else we can be responsible to.

To find your passion and inner drive is a fantastic start for sure. To build consistent routines and patterns into your life that you upgrade periodically is a must though!

Remember that passion does not have to necessarily exist before clarity and actions. Many people have developed a passion into what they are doing in life by just starting to do something. Then liking it so much that it became a habit in their life.

A pattern that got engraved into their neural network and ended up being a Passion and a Why they do what they do in life!

Which one was first, The chicken or the egg? Finding your passion or developing patterns? It’s entirely up to you as long as you take action on either one!

Here’s another fun article & video on finding your passion. It will also take you a little further towards your purpose.


  1. Pingback: Work-Life balance, true possibility or an absolute myth? - Tuomo Coaching

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