
Perseverance, Dragon fruits and TEDx!

In Clarity, Lifestyle, Peak Performance by Tuomo Vauhkonen1 Comment

What do they all have in common?

My story of perseverance… Back about three years ago I had planted my first Dragon Fruit (or Pitaya as it’s called from its other name) here in our garden.

I heard it would take about a year, give or take to get fruits from it. Little that I knew that my love/ hate battle with this plant would take three long years before I could get my hands on the very first fruit from her.

The pitaya plant was in the wrong places, not enough good soil, too much shade, too much water and the list go on…
I pretty much made all the mistakes that you could ever possibly do when growing pitaya. I Even had two flowers that turned into fruits, but they never ripened and fell off before they were edible.

Around the same time three years ago I had planted another seed, to speak at the TEDx conference! I wrote it down onto my journal more of as a dream than anything else and kept looking at my writing every week.

I read the words out loud from my journal, I felt the feeling of me being on that stage at TEDx, I visualized what would it look like, smell like and truly feel like to live that experience as it already had happened!

Perseverance, Grit and Hustle

I kept giving water and care for my dragon fruit plant even if I saw no real results. Metaphorically speaking I kept the dream alive without real progress in my process by “doing the work”.

I persevered.

Most of us still buy into this notion of working hard and longer to bring in the results.
Back in the days, 150 years ago or so, as the industrial era was booming and predominant in our society, working harder than your neighbor gave you the advantage!

Today though, the people on the very top of their industries know that instead of you working hard for the money, let the money work hard for you.
You can replace the word money with your service, expertise or offer that you have out in the world.

And let’s face it, we all have something to offer, we all are selling by exposing ourselves out there!
Even, if you dislike it you are still putting yourself on display every day by exposing your gifts, talents and expertise!

The power of belief

As many of you know, our inner World with thought and especially our beliefs create our external world.

Just imagine when we use that energy of hustle and grit towards our wildest dreams, by truly believing that it is happening for us and that it WILL happen for us!

What would the world look like, if people truly believed that they can, acted regardless of the possible fears and just executed?

For starters, there would be a lot of more emotional stability and mental well-being in the world today. Because anxiety and frustration come a lot from dreams never acted on and believes that went never touched upon.

For me, I always kept believing in my ability to be at the stage of the TEDx conference! I never doubted that I could not do it!
I knew that with the correct practice and the right people around me I can achieve that goal!

And now within few weeks I’ll be on that stage presenting my ideas to a wider audience.

Regardless of the outcome, the journey to get there was worth it and have pushed me to become a better speaker and a person along the way.
Even if there are only two seats occupied, I will be happy to put my feet on that red circle.

Doing the right thing

This advice is possibly the most important one.

I eventually got act together with the Pitaya and got to taste a beautifully delicious home grown red pitaya fruit!

Even if you fail in all the other elements, YOU doing the right thing, making the Right Moves and taking the right action steps – WILL get the results in the end.

Doing the right thing is easier said than done though. We all make mistakes and obviously we need to grow and learn from those. This is where perseverance comes into play.

When it comes down to being smart instead of working 14 hours a day, I feel that coaching, asking for an advice and following the breadcrumbs of the people that have already made the mistakes becomes increasingly important.

As the saying goes:

“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”

African Proverb

Next time you are faced with challenges; work hard, grind and hustle, believe in your Mission and ask for help to make sure you are doing the right thing!

If you are interested of finding what is it that moves the needle for you the most, Reach Out and let’s have a chat about it.

I can help you to uncover the right action steps for you and for your specific situation!

Do schedule a call from my calendar today!
It will be exciting to see the new realities coming alive for you! 😉


  1. Pingback: Fail in these 3 ways (Not to reach Mastery). - Tuomo Coaching

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