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Clear Vision as a MOMENTUM Multiplier.πŸš€

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Vision, Are we defined by the Vision for the Future or left with the Memories of the Past? In either case, our Mind wants to wonder into one of those directions 99% of our waking times. Yes, it is highly important to stay present, to have a Mindfulness practice, do Yoga and all the practices that keep us more present. …

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Plan & Schedule with 90/7/1 Formula

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

PLAN & Planning, it’s one of the most successful tools to stay consistent and accountable with your Habits. Especially in the beginning of a new week you want to make sure you are crystal clear on your heading and elements you need to and want to complete! Here’s another Vlog about Focus. πŸš€Take action on your biggest ideas today and …

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Holistic Health Model

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

When I talk about holistic health, I’m not just talking about going to the Gym few times a week, buying pineapples from your local market or eating your Organic Goji-berries! There is quite a lot more to it! So I wanted to scratch the surface and Open this model up. Spirit :Your Deep core Energy with Values and Beliefs.Β To have …

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Seeds and Weeds!

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

I shot this video about seeds and weeds as a follow up inspiration from Jay Shetty and my own garden Life lesson Videos that I have shot previously! Download the PDF guide on our Mastermind page here: Once you can use these three elements to come clear on your Seeds and Weeds, I think we will have a lot …

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Emotional Alignment

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Emotional Alignment and how to achieve results!? βœ… Think better and more Empowering thoughts. I know this sounds a bit cheesy, but it actually works since thoughts are deeply connected to our internal world. βœ… Move! Especially with vigorous physical exercise your emotions start to reorganize themselves and come to Alignment! When done in outdoors and open spaces it will …

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Focus and energy, Garden Life Lessons – Episode 2

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

How the weeds in my garden showed me a valuable lesson about focus! I have become a huge fan of our abilities to pay attention! Something I need more of and I believe that many of you too who are reading this post! ;)⁣ ⁣ What ever we practice consistently on, we get better at! Today, most of us are …

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Sunday morning review for the A-Players

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

πŸ‘£ Sunday Morning Early bird walk.πŸ‘£ Snowy Finnish Winter after coming through 12 time zones and resting those circadian rhythms!πŸ•” Take 30 Min on Sunday Morning, It’s the best time to Review, Reset and Recharge!πŸ€“ β˜‘οΈ Review your past week by Celebrating the wins and victories. Grow and learn from the elements that went South! β˜‘οΈ Reset and schedule your …

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Pineapples and Consistency

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Staying consistent with your daily habits and actions can be a tough call in today’s noisy world! I’ll offer my 5 tips on how to get back on track with your consistent actions! These ideas work well in your work, relationships and private life. Taking action towards those results is what matters the most! Use these tips to achieve greater …