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Low hanging fruits

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Coconuts being one of my ultimate survival and comfort foods of all time, I was obviously over the moon happy to finally have my own coconut tree giving me sustainable hydration! Low hanging gifts are some of the best things in life, so I put together few thoughts about it.

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Vision Quest

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

The importance of finding our Vision is ever so important! I share my ideas about it in this quick 3 min clip from up the mountains on the islands of Tahiti.

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Morning Routine

In Vids by Michael Bourne

You win the morning – You win the day! I feel that it’s absolutely crucial to get your day started on the right tracks and adding powerful morning routines is the best way to do that! Come up with creative hacks and habits to get you on a winning mental and emotional state right from the start of your day! …

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Digital Detox

In Vids by Michael Bourne

How about adding an intermediate digital detox for your weekly habits! your brain, your body and productivity will say thank you very much – Guaranteed! And you get to spend some real world quality time with the people that matter the most for you!

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In Vids by Michael Bourne

Meditation is Mainstream today! I highly recommend that you give it a try to see, feel and realize the benefits that it has on offer. Start small to keep it consistent like with every other habit! =)

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Prime Time

In Vids by Michael Bourne

Prime time actions. find out your optimal performance sections of the day and schedule the important To-Do’s for those times.