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#1 Reason WHY your Habits Fail!

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Habits, I truly believe that No.1 Reason why we fail in our Routines and Habits is Not been able to stay Consistent with our practice.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ If “Consistency is the mother of all Mastery” then inconsistency leads to Failed habits and routines, yes?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ So then, what is the best antidote to Procrastination, Stagnation and those Inconsistent Routines?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Internal/Personal AND …

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Sunday morning review for the A-Players

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

👣 Sunday Morning Early bird walk.👣 Snowy Finnish Winter after coming through 12 time zones and resting those circadian rhythms!🕔 Take 30 Min on Sunday Morning, It’s the best time to Review, Reset and Recharge!🤓 ☑️ Review your past week by Celebrating the wins and victories. Grow and learn from the elements that went South! ☑️ Reset and schedule your …

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Pineapples and Consistency

In Vids by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

Staying consistent with your daily habits and actions can be a tough call in today’s noisy world! I’ll offer my 5 tips on how to get back on track with your consistent actions! These ideas work well in your work, relationships and private life. Taking action towards those results is what matters the most! Use these tips to achieve greater …

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Life style first approach

In Pics by Michael Bourne

I’m a huge a fan of choosing your life style first and only then crafting your work around that! In the end of the days what truly matters? Did you get to do enough of the things that really brought happiness to your life? Find out what truly makes your heart beat and craft your work-life around that!

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Digital Detox

In Vids by Michael Bourne

How about adding an intermediate digital detox for your weekly habits! your brain, your body and productivity will say thank you very much – Guaranteed! And you get to spend some real world quality time with the people that matter the most for you!