Vision, Are we defined by the Vision for the Future or left with the Memories of the Past?

In either case, our Mind wants to wonder into one of those directions 99% of our waking times.
Yes, it is highly important to stay present, to have a Mindfulness practice, do Yoga and all the practices that keep us more present.

Yet, we get to choose where the energy of our Thoughts and Emotions goes when the Mind wonders out of that present moment.

If you ask me, it is 1000% more beneficial to have those Ideas and insights directed towards a Beautiful and Clear Vision what the Future will Look like, Sound like and most importantly, FEEL like!

We need to couple that Clear Intention with an Elevated and Aligned Emotion (Words by J. Dispenza).

Once this happens we are starting to reach the space that holds enormous amounts of Power, Serenity and Peace at the same time.

Now then, Once our daily thoughts are directed towards that foreseeable Future that has an Energetically Elevated Emotion, we also get highly increased Momentum as a Free Byproduct.

And that’s what this whole Vlog post is about – Momentum!

Choose yourself an Empowering and positive Vision for the future that becomes your Beacon for everything that you do!

Momentum can then be multiplied by this One action alone!

Let’s hear in the comments what is the Vibrant Vision and a Clear intention you have until the end of 2019!?

Have an amazing Day

PS. When you are ready you can join our Lifestyle Mastermind Group for more Vlog post, LIVE videos, Interviews and a whole lot more..

Here’s my previous Vlog about Vision

Have the best day,


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