How the weeds in my garden showed me a valuable lesson about focus!

I have become a huge fan of our abilities to pay attention! Something I need more of and I believe that many of you too who are reading this post! ;)⁣

What ever we practice consistently on, we get better at! Today, most of us are great at being distracted and less good at in our abilities to FOCUS for more than 2 minutes!⁣

The world is so full of distractions, pop ups, alerts, “obligations” and things that we are suppose to pay attention to! We have become very good at being distracted!⁣

On the other end of the equation though, when you are able to FOCUS single handedly on ONE element at the time (provided that it is the right thing to do) you will start to separate yourself from the rest of the pack!⁣

Attention has become a high commodity in any area of life!⁣
Start with the basics!⁣

5 Fundamentals for better Focus!⁣

✅ Meditation and Mindfulness practices are the absolute key for your Focus! Start small, even 2 min a day will get you in the game and moving forward!⁣

✅ Movement! When you move your body, especially in the morning, it helps you to focus better during the day!⁣

✅ Sleep! A high quality down time is hyper important for your abilities to pay attention. Deep states of sleep will reorganize your #Thoughts and #Emotions, so that you can better understand and deal with them the next day!⁣

✅ Switch your sugars to Fats! High quality Lipids/ Essential Fatty acids will help you to concentrate better. Avocados, Walnuts, Coconut/ Olive Oil and other Sources of Omega-3’s are also nourishing and protecting your brain for the long-term.⁣

✅ Practice makes progress. Focus is a muscle that gets better with practice! Stay consistent with it and you WILL see the results!⁣

✅ It might be more important to know what NOT to DO instead of knowing what ToDo! Once we take away the distractions, it becomes apparent what are the core essentials to act on!⁣

🌱It’s like pulling the weeds out in the garden, the Plant you are watering has more energy to grow!⁣

🙇What’s your GoTo advice to better your Focus?

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