When I talk about holistic health, I’m not just talking about going to the Gym few times a week, buying pineapples from your local market or eating your Organic Goji-berries!

There is quite a lot more to it!

So I wanted to scratch the surface and Open this model up.

Spirit :Your Deep core Energy with Values and Beliefs. To have a mindfulness practice that keeps you connected to that Energy of your Being. Understanding how our own energy as Electromagnetic Field (EMF) works.

We understand that managing that energy, the deep underlying core life-force is something that we must master and connect to!

Thoughts: Leading and Living an Intentional Life. Setting Goals yet being non-attached to the Outcomes.

To have the skill to Focus and direct your attention to Positive things in life. To have a Stress management systems in place that allows you to give a rest for your mind!

Emotion: Quality and Strength of our relationships and our own Emotional resiliency.
Connection with our loved ones are deep and healthy.

We have a solid support network of people who we can rely on and a thriving community of like minded individuals!

Physic: Obviously the physical part needs to be in check.
Our immune system is strong, we have Energy for the WHOLE day, we take care of our Sleep and Movement practice!⁣⁣

Having a solid physical Health supports the alignment of the Emotion, Thought and Spirit elements! .

I truly think these are the Foundations of a great long-term health. This alignment of the S.T.E.P model dictates on how we show up in the world!⁣⁣

When ALL the Four are in harmony or in Alignment, that  I like to call it, we can start to attain the powerful FLOW states. This is where the magical hyper creative space resides!
To me this is the holistic health approach that lays down a solid foundation to start building our Life and Lifestyle!⁣⁣


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