I shot this video about seeds and weeds as a follow up inspiration from Jay Shetty and my own garden Life lesson Videos that I have shot previously!

Download the PDF guide on our Mastermind page here:

Once you can use these three elements to come clear on your Seeds and Weeds, I think we will have a lot better position to start building our life from that new clarified space!

First, Identify the Activities that will produce growth for you. The things to do that are positive and make your heart happy!

Those activities that have a high potential for Positive growth! Also, identify the Key Lifestyle Habits that you would like to develop or keep in your daily schedule!

The Second are the Spaces and Places we hang out in, the Environments that we put ourselves into. We got to make sure most of them are positive, inspiring and activating for our Mind, Body and Consciousness!

Thirdly, look into the toughest part, The People! This is the hardest, yet the most liberating! we want to spend time with people who Uplift, Enrich and Empower our lives!

Understanding that there are people in our surroundings that probably we must let go, however painful that might be! In the end, it will be a Win-Win scenario for everyone!

Hopefully this serves you as well that it did for me and “Empowers Your Journey” forward!


PS. Join our Lifestyle Mastermind to download the free PDF guide to help you with this process of identifying the Seeds and Weeds!!



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